2015 PBP Stats

Frame # Bike type Last Name First Name M/F Age From Total Time
1X086velo AIGNERFriedrich  56Austria 66:46:19
2K083velo BERGNERAlexander  40Austria 75:17:12
3A009velo BUCHEGGERAlfred  M48Austria 48:27:09
4A106velo EBNERGerd  M46Austria 51:10:06
5X083velo ENZHeinrich  57Austria 67:43:17
6X119velo FEISCHLGernot  31Austria 59:58:47
7A084velo FRICKJosef  32Austria 46:18:19
8A062velo FRIESENECKERManfred  44Austria 46:54:50
9X088velo FRIESENECKERHarald  43Austria 60:35:20
10X082velo GFRERERHelmut  56Austria DNF
11X085velo HERZOGGerald  43Austria 79:49:53
12X041velo JUNGFerdinand  M58Austria 60:34:54
13S022velo KHn alexander  50Austria 87:19:02
14G013velo KAGERRonald  37Austria 74:35:17
15Z038velo KOSCHUTAHorst  M46Austria 77:27:57
16G130velo LANGMAIERThomas  45Austria 74:35:17
17X084velo LEHMANNGerold  M55Austria 77:46:56
18A061velo LEITLJohann  M54Austria 66:20:15
19X087velo LINDNERGerhard  39Austria 59:58:48
20N084velo MIKOCKIJohannes  M57Austria 89:18:19
21C038velo MINIHOLDMarkus  M51Austria 76:03:58
22A107velo NAVRATILWalter  55Austria DNF
23X014velo OSTERKORNSiegfried  38Austria 61:42:00
24X043velo PILZJohannes  M32Austria 66:46:42
25X081velo PLACHAndreas  30Austria 78:22:18
26N074velo ROSENMAYRGeorg  55Austria 89:18:18
27D008velo SAMASTURGerhard  49Austria 55:02:22
28X144velo SCHACHINGERLeopold  59Austria 66:46:12
29Z044velo SCHOENHARTMarkus  M42Austria 56:50:39
30A024velo SCHRODERAndreas  M43Austria 70:11:17
31A025velo SIXPeter  54Austria 69:52:47
32X042velo STAUDERBernhard  42Austria 66:50:06
33A003velo STINDLThomas  M49Austria 47:31:32
34A083velo STOCKHarald  40Austria 70:11:04
35M018velo STRAUSSJohann  M61Austria 86:38:47
36N123velo THUNPeter  41Austria 88:03:32
37X015velo UCHANNHarald  49Austria 57:49:06
38X016velo UCHANNRoland  47Austria 57:55:06
39X080velo VOGTENHUBERPaul  44Austria 66:52:05
40X013velo VONBANKAlexander  M57Austria 67:43:21
41A063velo WAGNERRoland  46Austria 71:45:24
42S084velo WITWERMartin  54Austria DNF
43X040velo WOECKINGERStephan  43Austria 57:49:11
44S104velo ZECHBernhard  45Austria 67:02:36
45B064velo ZIMAHarald  M37Austria 52:49:18
46Y020velo ZOTTERDavid  29Austria 61:18:26
 Gender BreakdownStartedFinishedOTLDNF/AbandonSuccess Ratio
 Male/Man1515 00100.0%
 Unknown (not setup)3128 0390.3%
 Age BreakdownStartedFinishedOTLDNF/AbandonSuccess Ratio
 45 - 491010 00100.0%
 40 - 441111 00100.0%
 50 - 5454 0180.0%
 30 - 3444 00100.0%
 55 - 59108 0280.0%
 35 - 3944 00100.0%
 60 - 6411 00100.0%
 25 - 2911 00100.0%

For the 2011 stats (some of the data is no longer onine), click here.