2015 PBP Stats

Frame # Bike type Last Name First Name M/F Age From Total Time
1F002recumbent URAMDaniel  52Brazil DNF
2F017special MARTIN-CLARKRupert  F51United Kingdom-GB TXDNF
3F019special VANDer lee arthur  M55Netherlands DNF
4F020special DISINIJoel  54Philippines DNF
5F022special DEOliveira leonor c f  48Brazil DNF
6F028special APARICITarazon oscar  41Spain DNF
7F035special BOUMANJaap  M73Netherlands DNF
8F047special KRISTENSENPoul  51Denmark DNF
9F052special PATILPankaj  33India DNF
10F053tricycle MARTINIPaolo  M43Italy DNF
11F062Classic BUCKDrew  M66United Kingdom-GB DNF
12F063special HERREMAJan  M51Netherlands DNF
13F065ElliptiGO CREMERJames  M54USA IADNF
14F066special BUCIUCRazvan  M52USA NJDNF
15F067special UBACHSPeter  M51Germany DNF
16F070special LIUShan te  45Taiwan DNF
17F079special SWINSONHardy  M60USA GADNF
18F082special WEISSRobert  M59USA CADNF
19F087special KAISERHenrik  46Germany DNF
20F090tandem CHERRYLori  F57USA CADNF
21F091tandem ROBERTSONCraig  M57USA CADNF
22F093special MILLIONGoulven  38France DNF
23F096special EXELERMartin  M44Germany DNF
24F100ElliptiGO NUTTALLAndrew  M45United Kingdom-GB DNF
25F102tandem CARDOSODarley  40Brazil DNF
26F103tandem RIBEIROJulia heide  30Brazil DNF
27F108triplette CLASSRoland  53Germany DNF
28F109triplette  42Germany DNF
29F110triplette CLASSEugen  51Germany DNF
30F125tandem VANHeeswijk ronald  M55United Kingdom-GB DNF
31F126tandem HARRISDavid  49United Kingdom-GB DNF
32F131tandem KAMANOAtsushi  M41Japan DNF
33F132tandem KAMANONoriko  28Japan DNF
34F133tandem TILLANDERTage  M61Sweden DNF
35F134tandem ELGLUNDTillander barbro  59Sweden DNF
36F148special RAMIREZRodriguez jose carlos  42Spain DNF
37F152special CHOLOUXGervais  M61France DNF
38F156special MOLLIERJean  M58France DNF
39F157special BAIZEDominique  56France DNF
40F162special MANENTIAlain  M52France DNF
41F182special COURONNEPhilippe  56France DNF
42F189special NGUYENDan  M63France DNF
43F192tandem BRIOTJean paul  54France DNF
44F193tandem BRIOTAgnes  55France DNF
45F200tandem GUIBERTEric  44France DNF
46F201tandem  66France DNF
47F202tandem BOICHUTDidier  M51France DNF
48F203tandem NEVEUPaulette  53France DNF
49F204tandem BODINRemond sylvie  48France DNF
50F205tandem REMONDDidier  57France DNF
51F214tandem CHASTINMael  19France DNF
52F215tandem CHASTINPascal  M50France DNF
53F219tandem ROCHEPatricia  51France DNF
54F025special ASSMANNBernd  50Germany OTL
55F064special COSTAValter  M32Portugal OTL
56F073special HIMMELMorten  M38Germany OTL
57F178special LECLERCRodolphe  44France 89:56:29
58F158special FAUCHEUXBernard  M67France 89:42:40
59F218tandem ROCHEDidier  51France 89:42:33
60F050ElliptiGO NANTONCarl  M41United Kingdom-GB 89:40:32
61F027special MOLLERSoren flensted  48Denmark 89:38:48
62F008tandem RASCHDORFKathleen  F46USA NJ89:37:35
63F009tandem LEVITTJONATHAN  M53USA NJ89:37:35
64F076special FIELDPatrick  M59United Kingdom-GB 89:34:28
65F069special BROADGarry  M56United Kingdom-GB 89:34:13
66F058special RUSSELLBlli  M60USA NJ89:31:03
67F043tricycle PERALTASergio  28Spain 89:13:55
68F129tandem GOTOToshio  M53Japan 89:07:50
69F130tandem GOTOMakiyo  F49Japan 89:07:50
70F041special NISHIGAKIAtsuo  M56Japan 89:04:23
71F018special WILKINSONNick  43United Kingdom-GB 89:03:36
72F147special TAGAICsaba  M40Hungary 89:03:30
73F098ctUWwScfeEUQdp SZUCSAttila
 M43USA NY89:03:20
74F155special REHRHans ulrich  M53Germany 88:58:37
75F188special FAVREAUGuy  49France 88:56:56
76F160special LEFEVREMarc  44France 88:56:48
77F094special DAVIDArmand  M48France 88:52:06
78F195tandem LAMOULLERChristian  M63France 88:43:21
79F194tandem LAMOULLERDominique  M64France 88:43:20
80F151special MENEYPhilippe  50France 88:42:05
81F171recumbent KAPLANKim minh  45France 88:41:37
82F169special MORICESt phane  41France 88:41:21
83F159special LEDanff marc  M41France 88:41:18
84F048special GOMEZRuiz santiago  M55Spain 88:32:48
85F084special JACKAntony  45United Kingdom-GB 88:32:39
86F031ElliptiGO MCDONOGHAlan  M57United Kingdom-GB 88:30:35
87F081ElliptiGO PINNELLBill  M44USA CA88:30:35
88F216tandem MADELAINEEric  53France 88:25:19
89F217tandem GERNYYannick  49France 88:25:19
90F001velomobile TRUILLOTGilles  72France 88:24:41
91F099special SORENSENAndy  M56USA AK88:20:51
92F149special CARIOUChristian  M57France 88:15:19
93F209tandem BLAESIUSMasse c cile  49France 88:14:35
94F127tandem SOARDIMarco  M46Italy 88:10:50
95F128tandem CASTREZZATIArmida  52Italy 88:10:50
96F080special WOUDENBERGTimothy  M57USA CA88:00:35
97F141tandem MULLETKathy  F57USA OR87:57:36
98F142tandem MULLETRonald  M64USA OR87:57:36
99F068special STEIPERFlorian  37Germany 87:57:09
100F120tandem THAYERPeter  M49United Kingdom-GB 87:56:36
101F118tandem BROWNAshley  42United Kingdom-GB 87:56:35
102F038special SMITHRon  M47USA CA87:56:26
103F034handcycle BRESSANELLIMirco  M44Italy 87:55:24
104F198mIMDbrfZptJoQOLVwGQ VIBRACMarie
 F57USA NY87:52:35
105F199tandem VIBRACPhilippe  M57France 87:52:35
106F032special CRANEPeter  53United Kingdom-GB 87:38:28
107F003tandem MINTERDave  M48Australia 87:37:55
108F044special KUZNETSOVAlexey  M41Russian Federation Kaliningrad87:34:33
109F170special RIVIERChristophe  37France 87:32:31
110F168special FLAUXMarcel  M56France 87:32:30
111F075special HINESKevin  M42United Kingdom-GB 87:29:24
112F049ElliptiGO BLOFELDStuart  M36United Kingdom-GB 87:28:13
113F114tandem HEDLEYAidan  M55United Kingdom-GB 87:22:33
114F150special LEFREREMichel  M60France 87:20:12
115F101special JORDANOThomas  49France 87:19:59
116F135tandem BRINNLuanne  F62USA FL87:19:00
117F136tandem GRABIAKLarry  M67USA FL87:19:00
118F185special MONTEMONTDominique  M49France 87:18:44
119F153special ROUSSEAUBertrand  M36France 87:16:26
120F112tandem BATEMANSteven  M58United Kingdom-GB 86:59:40
121F111tandem DYSONJulian  M53United Kingdom-GB 86:59:39
122F143moBjHFfYzTTvifHjdRa KINGSBURYWanda
 F54USA NY86:59:23
123F144tandem KINGSBURYPaul  M54USA NY86:59:22
124F054Classic BOSCHIAlberto  M49Italy 86:53:58
125F007recumbent WEISEFrank  M45Germany 86:50:53
126F088special VEILPEAUFabien  M38France 86:47:58
127F057special PEETERSHendrikus josephus antonius marie  57Netherlands 86:45:15
128F036special ROSN per eric  36Sweden 86:33:59
129F115tandem SAYERJackie  57United Kingdom-GB 86:22:58
130F116tandem DAWSSimon  60United Kingdom-GB 86:22:58
131F173special VILAREMJean fran ois  63France 86:21:43
132F181special DECaseneuve yann  45France 86:20:12
133F106tandem SAURENDesiree  40Germany 86:17:08
134F107tandem IBRONAlexander  44Germany 86:17:07
135F139tandem MYERSBrent  M59USA CO86:15:39
136F140tandem LONGBeth  F61USA CO86:15:38
137F074special PLOEGERNorbert  55Germany 85:55:46
138F024special ULBRICHTMatthias  M51Germany 85:45:09
139F033ElliptiGO GRACEWilliam  M44Jersey -85:39:40
140F221tandem POUYLEAUThierry  45France 85:08:03
141F220tandem LETexier eric  45France 85:06:32
142F123tandem SMITHChris  M55United Kingdom-GB 84:50:11
143F124tandem CLAYTONLindsay  F46United Kingdom-GB 84:45:03
144F085Classic LAMACCHISimone  M44Italy Italy84:19:49
145F045ElliptiGO MAKAYAIdai  M41United Kingdom-GB 83:37:56
146F190tandem BRUSSONFabien  46France 83:27:51
147F191tandem BERAUDChristian  M54France 83:27:51
148F010recumbent RUYFFELAERTJean marie  62France 83:26:46
149F172special VANDERPERREFranck  M51France 83:25:47
150F183uWmtgdgHhcIgEIHU DEROUETFranck
 F37USA NY83:23:57
151F040special SACCHIRainer  M51Germany 83:18:02
152F071special TYERVickie  F61USA TX82:38:27
153F187special COTEREAUMarc  M57France 82:21:28
154F186special DESCUBESPhilippe  M47France 82:01:52
155F196tandem ABGRALLJacques  48France 82:01:24
156F197tandem LECam loic  45France 82:01:22
157F051tricycle HOWARDDan  36United Kingdom-GB 81:21:46
158F015tricycle RITTERMarita  58Germany 81:05:53
159F014tricycle RITTERThomas  54Germany 81:05:47
160F212tandem CASTETHerv  50France 81:04:22
161F213tandem POMAAlain  M54France 81:04:21
162F206tandem BODINGilles  M51France 80:39:46
163F207tandem BODINDelorme marie laure  58France 80:39:46
164F154special PERRIOLLATAlain  56France 80:38:58
165F083special FELTENPeter  M57Germany 80:36:01
166F121tandem FENTONCaroline  54United Kingdom-GB 80:19:33
167F122tandem ALLISONDavid  50United Kingdom-GB 80:19:33
168F161special RESZETKOPascal  M52France 80:18:29
169F097special BUSCHARDTJan  M58Denmark 80:15:49
170F005tandem GAFFNEYCecilie  F34USA PA79:38:45
171F006tandem GAFFNEYPatrick  M40USA PA79:38:44
172F056special LUNENBORGGert  M52Netherlands 79:27:23
173F061special DENNISONStuart  M54United Kingdom-GB 79:19:09
174F037special SRAJAles  37Slovenia 78:54:12
175F039special CREATIMick  M52Australia 78:48:39
176F095special ECHEVESTPhilippe  M47France 78:21:33
177F165special SALLETJean claude  57France 77:55:33
178F163special NICODOlivier  M54France 77:50:36
179F012recumbent VERHOEVENBart  M51Belgium 77:50:12
180F077special PATZNERGabriele  F57Germany 77:50:01
181F177special COURTEILLES bastien  39France 77:48:53
182F180special BURELPhilippe  M55France 77:48:50
183F167special LEFEVREFabrice  M42France 77:47:43
184F092tricycle BAUDINChristophe  M51France 77:39:19
185F166special LORGEOUChristophe  50France 77:38:07
186F042special HENDRIKSJos  42Netherlands 77:37:52
187F059special LANTEIGNEKen  M54USA IN77:37:45
188F117tandem BROWNCathy  42United Kingdom-GB 77:14:29
189F119tandem GRANTAmanda  F56United Kingdom-GB 77:14:29
190F030special SNOOKJohn  55United Kingdom-GB 77:09:24
191F175special DESBARBIEUXJean lou  46France 76:47:37
192F113tandem SWALOWJudith  48United Kingdom-GB 76:44:33
193F137tandem DIXONJonathan  M38USA CA76:32:22
194F138tandem DIXONEmma  F38USA CA76:32:22
195F176special BALONDRADEAlain  M52France 74:48:05
196F089special LOUZASPhilippe  M46France 74:45:01
197F184special LAGRANGEAlexandre  46France 74:31:27
198F164special ROYAlain  M64France 73:56:54
199F046special VANWersch paul  47Canada 73:53:21
200F016recumbent FERNANDEZPalmeiro roberto  62Spain 72:40:02
201F105tandem OSWALDJohn  40Canada 71:50:39
202F104tandem IGNACIOMalou  41Canada 71:50:37
203F174special NDiaye g rard  42France 71:47:12
204F078special RENNERMartin  M44USA AK70:52:08
205F060special KOHANKeith  M61USA OR70:05:32
206F011recumbent HEALPeter  M57Australia ACT69:25:30
207F210tandem JUBINLaurent  M55France 68:16:44
208F211MxxDhuLKlCX QUEMENERSylvie
 F54USA NY68:16:44
209F029special LERAAnanos jose luis  M52Spain 66:04:15
210F072tricycle COPPENSPeter  M39Belgium Flemish Brabant64:02:14
211F179special LEDu herv  63France 63:35:49
212F026special KORNERAndreas  M49Germany BW56:47:22
213F021special DELOGEJ r me  39Belgium 56:21:33
214F145tandem JURCZYNSKIJohn  M58USA MA51:48:42
215F146tandem RASMUSSENAnn  F51USA MA51:48:41
 M50USA NY47:43:35
 Gender BreakdownStartedFinishedOTLDNF/AbandonSuccess Ratio
 Unknown (not setup)9161 12967.0%
 Male/Man10783 22277.6%
 Female/Woman1816 0288.9%
 Age BreakdownStartedFinishedOTLDNF/AbandonSuccess Ratio
 70 - 7421 0150.0%
 50 - 545235 11667.3%
 45 - 493832 0684.2%
 30 - 3441 1225.0%
 40 - 443426 0876.5%
 60 - 641915 0478.9%
 55 - 594433 01175.0%
 35 - 391614 1187.5%
 25 - 2921 0150.0%
 65 - 6942 0250.0%
 15 - 1910 010.0%

For the 2011 stats (some of the data is no longer onine), click here.