2015 PBP Stats

Frame # Bike type Last Name First Name M/F Age From Total Time
1Y103velo BERTRANDAlain  M38Luxembourg 63:21:12
2T194velo BECKERDaniel  M42Luxembourg 72:01:32
3L107velo KIRSCHCamille  M51Luxembourg 73:31:41
4M249velo RIESJean marie  52Luxembourg 75:14:05
5G239velo COPELANDCharles  M67Luxembourg 83:36:13
6K199velo KNEERReinhold  M56Luxembourg 89:39:01
7D220velo CARIERTom  45Luxembourg DNF
8G240velo WIESENPascal  48Luxembourg DNF
 Gender BreakdownStartedFinishedOTLDNF/AbandonSuccess Ratio
 Unknown (not setup)31 0233.3%
 Male/Man55 00100.0%
 Age BreakdownStartedFinishedOTLDNF/AbandonSuccess Ratio
 45 - 4920 020.0%
 65 - 6911 00100.0%
 55 - 5911 00100.0%
 50 - 5422 00100.0%
 40 - 4411 00100.0%
 35 - 3911 00100.0%

For the 2011 stats (some of the data is no longer onine), click here.