Hold on While Loading Virtual Maps and routing ride # 147

Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 773 feet
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147 :     to RS     back    Accum. elevation gain: 773 feet

Warning: imagepng(/var/www/virtual/shprung.com/htdocs/sfvbc//img/elev/147.png): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/virtual/shprung.com/htdocs/sfvbc/index.class.inc on line 132
2010-05-31 13:22:59 Shai Shprung from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
The ride starts going down for about 8 miles but then you passing victory and the climbing begin. The climb on Louise at mile 12, is a 12+%, short and hard. the photos from 5/31/10 shows people as the cresting that climb.
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Tagged (01/03/10): Andy Shaker, Carrie Beers, Edina Fuzesi, Gary Cohen, Glenn De Guzman, Gregg De Guzman, Harry Doherty, Harry Dougherty, Jeff Clarck, Keith Brodsky, R.J. LoCurto, Randy Lawrence, Rick Jacobson, Shai Shprung, Stan Motzkin, Tom Wild

Uploaded on 05/31/10
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