Hold on While Loading Virtual Maps and routing ride # 168

Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 523 feet
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168 :     to rest stop     back    Accum. elevation gain: 523 feet

Warning: imagepng(/var/www/virtual/shprung.com/htdocs/sfvbc//img/elev/168.png): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/virtual/shprung.com/htdocs/sfvbc/index.class.inc on line 132
2009-12-25 12:44:15 Shai Shprung from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
12/25 - Christmas, only few came for this cold Friday morning ride. We got to the rest stop (the Gelson on Mulholand) but it was closed so we continue to the usual Calabasas Corner bakery which was closed too, but the Star buck near by was open.
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Tagged (08/10/08): Akira Yada, Andy Andazola, Andy Shaker, Barry Foose, Big John (John Hallam), Bobbie Schultz, Bruce Shannahoff, Byron Crowley, Caren Lieberman, Dave Linder, Desi Adriano, Fred Torres, Glenda Hanazawa, Jim Davis, Jim Shafer, Jody Stange, Juan Carlos Chan, Keith Brodsky, Larry McKinley, Lynne Laurita, Mark Loftus, Marty Cohen, Michael Shanman, Oleg, Peter Glenn, R.J. LoCurto, Wayne Shook, Zo Egar

Uploaded on 08/09/09
Tagged (08/09/09): Barry Foose, Caren Lieberman, Gregg De Guzman, Jeff Clarck, Lawrence Jackowski, Oleg, Peter Ungar

Uploaded on 12/25/09
Tagged (12/25/09): Glenda Hanazawa, JC, Juan Carlos Chan, Randy Lawrence
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