Hold on While Loading Virtual Maps and routing ride # 188

Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 253 feet
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188 :     to rest stop     back    Accum. elevation gain: 253 feet

Warning: imagepng(/var/www/virtual/shprung.com/htdocs/sfvbc//img/elev/188.png): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/virtual/shprung.com/htdocs/sfvbc/index.class.inc on line 132
2007-07-15 18:24:15 Shai from Encino, CA:
7/15/07, Day after Eric crash. Randy came with a get-well card and we signed it. The route is very flat and actually going down hill to the rest stop so the avg speed is fast
2008-01-13 18:49:52 Shai from Encino, CA:
1/13/08, Photo starts after the one of the handlebars; starts with a new Trek Madone (You can always move your mouse over and see the uploaded date). Very nice weather considering the date. It was in 60+ but a bit windy.
2008-04-21 23:04:54 from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
4/19/08, one more time as a Sunday ride. A bit cold for this time of year (about 54)
2008-07-13 15:10:18 Shai from Encino, CA:
7/13/08, once more as a Sunday ride. We did get to 30+mph down at Whitsett close to Ventura for short time, but over all the first half of the ride is all down hill and get lots of 'regroups' in the red stop lights.
2009-01-11 10:24:28 Shai from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
1/11/09, Sunday after a very windy Saturday; not many came to ride. It end up a nice and warm mornning (only 5-15mph wind).
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Tagged (07/07/07): Bill Watson, Caren Lieberman, Daryl Alexander, Jody Stange, Manuel Paz, Mark Reden, Oleg, Randy Lawrence, Shai Shprung, Steve Heinold

Uploaded on 01/05/08
Tagged (01/05/08): Andy, Andy Shaker, Big John (John Hallam), Bill Watson, Blazhe Stoianoff, Caren Lieberman, Dana Lieberman, Dave, Harry Doherty, John Weygint, Keith Brodsky, Kenny (Colnago Man), Manuel Paz, Marlene Glenn, Mel Novarro, Mike Boerum, Peter Glenn, R.J. LoCurto, Shai Shprung, Steve Bradasich, Steve Heinold

Uploaded on 04/21/08
Tagged (04/21/08): Carrie Beers, Keith Brodsky, Randy Lawrence, Steve Heinold, Vance Macdonald

Uploaded on 07/13/08
Tagged (07/13/08): Big John (John Hallam), Bill Watson, Bobbie Schultz, Bruce Shannahoff, Daryl Alexander, Desi Adriano, Edina Fuzesi, Gary Cohen, Glenda Hanazawa, Herb, Jack Speer, Jennifer, Jim Davis, Juan Carlos Chan, Larry McKinley, Manuel Paz, Mark Jenkins, Marlene Glenn, Norm Title, Peter Glenn, Scott, Steve Bradasich, Tom Wild

Uploaded on 01/11/09
Tagged (01/11/09): Akira Yada, Barry Foose, Big John (John Hallam), Bill Watson, Bobbie Schultz, Bruce Shannahoff, Byron Crowley, Caren Lieberman, Carrie Beers, Gary Cohen, Jim Shafer, Juan Carlos Chan, Lance Presnall, Marty Cohen, Mary Blue, Mike Summers, Pierre Roux, R.J. LoCurto, Randy Lawrence, Rob Shaffer, Robin Shafer, Rosine Ackerman, Shai Shprung, Steve Bradasich, Steve Heinold, Suzanne

Uploaded on 11/15/09

Uploaded on 01/10/10
Tagged (01/10/10): Lawrence Jackowski, Mark Whitehead, Shai Shprung, Vance Macdonald
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