Hold on While Loading Virtual Maps and routing ride # 419

Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 7,017 feet
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419 :     to RS1     Opt-1 to Cloudburst Summit    Accum. elevation gain: 7,017 feet

Warning: imagepng(/var/www/virtual/shprung.com/htdocs/sfvbc//img/elev/419.png): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/virtual/shprung.com/htdocs/sfvbc/index.class.inc on line 132
2009-05-24 11:28:36 Jim Swarzman from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
Beautiful day on the Crest. Don't know if this is an annual ride, but if it's not, it should be! We've got some really good climbers in the club; Greg, Rob and Chris (sporting his new Davis Double jersey) all did really well. I thought I was doing really well until I did a little off-roading on the return trip (if you don't already know, don't ask!). And don't listen to Big John if he tells you he can't climb. Altogether a great day.
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Tagged (05/23/09): Bill Schuler, Carl Wurtz, Carrie Beers, Chris Garvey, Glen De Guzman, Glenn De Guzman, Glenn Waggner, Greg De Guzman, JC Silva, Jeff Clarck, Jim Swarzman, John Weygint, Juan Carlos Chan, R.J. LoCurto, Randy Lawrence, Rob Cravens, Shai Shprung, Stan Motzkin, TJ, Vertical Bob
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