Hold on While Loading Virtual Maps and routing ride # 604

Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 1,900 feet
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604 :     to rest stop     back    Accum. elevation gain: 1,900 feet

Warning: imagepng(/var/www/virtual/shprung.com/htdocs/sfvbc//img/elev/604.png): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/virtual/shprung.com/htdocs/sfvbc/index.class.inc on line 132
2007-09-01 21:31:54 Shai from Encino, CA:
Saturday, Sep 1st we did this ride. It was hot in the valley. Climbing Sepulveda back to the valley was crazy hot & my heartRate was very high.
2009-03-28 18:42:43 harry from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
What an amazing spring day ride! Cool to the beach...great air!. Clear and wonderful.
2009-05-25 14:42:09 Jim Swarzman from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
Another really nice Memorial Day, three-day weekend ride. Pretty good turnout. Ended up being a hammerfest on Sepulveda. Phil is just crazy strong/fast, I'm having to get used to seeing the back of Greg's jersey, and Henry was climbing in his big ring with 2 or 3 gears to spare (I don't care if it's a compact)! We didn't even have to wait too long for Oleg. ;-)
2010-09-25 17:40:13 Shai from Encino, CA:
It was projected to hit 100+ today so many didn't show up to the CSUN start (the club offered some remove start in Ventura, CA due to the projected hit wave).
From CSUN, the group that was looking for a 50-60 miles agreed that we need to hit to beach too and did a Old Topanga to Topanga to the beach and then continue with this route. It end up to be 100+ in the vallery like projected but most of the ride was in a much better coastal (i.e less than 80) temperatures.
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Tagged (08/24/07): Alex Rade, Bill Schuler, Blazhe Stoianoff, Caren Lieberman, Carl Wurtz, Lea Newton, Manuel Paz, Marc De Falco, Mark Reden, Oleg, R.J. LoCurto, Randy Lawrence, Sarah Brodsky, Scott, Scott Holbein, Shai Shprung, Sid Blum

Uploaded on 03/28/09
Tagged (03/28/09): Armen Hagobian, Harry Doherty, Jeff Clarck, Rosine Ackerman

Uploaded on 05/25/09
Tagged (05/25/09): Akira Yada, Andy Shaker, Bruce Shannahoff, Carrie Beers, Dave Mace, Desi Adriano, Evan Grissom, Gary Cohen, Gene Sarsoza, Glenn De Guzman, Glenn Waggner, Gregg De Guzman, Henry, Jaycee, Jim Swarzman, Juan Carlos Chan, Norm Title, Oleg, Peter Ungar, Phil, Randy Lawrence, Rob Cravens, Shai Shprung, Steve Bradasich, Wayne, Wayne Shook

Uploaded on 09/25/10
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