Hold on While Loading Virtual Maps and routing ride # 761

Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 5,556 feet
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761 :     to RS1     to RS2     to RS3     to back    Accum. elevation gain: 5,556 feet

Warning: imagepng(/var/www/virtual/shprung.com/htdocs/sfvbc//img/elev/761.png): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/virtual/shprung.com/htdocs/sfvbc/index.class.inc on line 132
2008-11-01 12:07:18 from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
11/01/08 level 5 (this route), level 4 and level 3 all started with the same exact route clibming sepulveda. Upon the regroup at the top (after the tunnel) it start rainning and few turn back. Many other switch to the level 4 ride (#531 FRANKLIN, I DON'T GIVE A DAM) so you can see same people and more photos on that ride too.
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Tagged (11/01/08): Akira Yada, Andy Shaker, Big John (John Hallam), Bill Schuler, Caren Lieberman, Carl Wurtz, Cathy Stramat, Henry, Joe Nemec, Keith Brodsky, Mel Novarro, Mike Summers, Rob Tavakoli, Sarah Brodsky, Scott Gray, Stan Motzkin, Wayne
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