Hold on While Loading Virtual Maps and routing ride # BR-400k

Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 7,431 feet
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BR-400k :     to CP 2     to CP 3     to CP 4     to CP 5     to CP 6     to CP 7     to CP 8     to CP 9    Accum. elevation gain: 7,431 feet

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2009-03-08 19:41:14 Shai from Encino, CA:
The accum elevation on the Garmin was showing 9000, but I have to say that the Edge 705 was acting up all day. DO NOT EVER use a gpx file as a navigation route; it will mess you up! the Edge 705 will try to reroute you and ignore the actual route. I ended up with many small U turn and extra miles in this all ready long 250+ miles ride. The Weather was very good but on the Cold side at night. I put the time on each photo so you can get the idea of a full day ride: from 6:30AM to 1:00AM
2009-03-09 21:20:14 Dana Lieberman from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
Same experience with the Garmin...of course, I beamed you the route, so it was actually my fault! "On the cold side" is about the understatement of the year. That's like saying it rained a little bit on the 300K... Great ride, Shai...I spent all day trying to catch you...
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Tagged (03/08/09): Chris Farmer, Dana Lieberman, Jerry Brown, Jim Swarzman, Shai Shprung
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