Hold on While Loading Virtual Maps and routing ride # 110

Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 684 feet
    110 to rest stop     back    Accum. elevation gain: 684 feet
2008-11-28 09:17:50 Shai from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
The 4 photos from 11/28/08 are from Friday after thanks given. Small group of members arrived in the start (@ SCUN) most id a ride level-3, and very few did this route (110, level 1) so most of the people in the photos didn't actually did this route but did a longer one.
Post a Comment for ride #110; Level 1; 25.4 miles
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Tagged (07/26/08): Alan Fishman, Christy Bonnett, Dave Linder, Gary Cohen

Uploaded on 11/28/08
Tagged (11/28/08): Alex Rade, Bill Schuler, Bobbie Schultz, Brian Reff, Dana Lieberman, Evan Grissom, Glenda Hanazawa, Manuel Paz, Peter Glenn, Pierre Roux, Randy Lawrence, Vance Macdonald, Will Z.

Uploaded on 07/19/09
Tagged (07/19/09): Andy Shaker, Jim Davis

Uploaded on 12/12/10
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