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and routing ride # 128
Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 363 feet
128 to rest stop
Accum. elevation gain: 363 feet
2009-04-25 13:41:05 Harry Dougherty
from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
We were cruzing at 29.4 mph....for a few seconds
Post a Comment for ride #128; Level 1; 27.0 miles
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Tagged (10/26/08): Akira Yada, Big John (John Hallam), Carrie Beers, Dana Lieberman, Dave Alexander, Desi Adriano, Edina Fuzesi, Francois Wolman, Gary Cohen, Juan Carlos Chan, Marty Cohen, Mel Novarro, Michael Dekel, Mike Summers, Norm Title, Randy Lawrence, Shai Shprung, Wayne, Wayne Shook, Zo Egar
Uploaded on 04/25/09
Tagged (04/25/09): Rob Cravens
Uploaded on 07/26/09
Uploaded on 10/25/09
Tagged (10/25/09): Juan Carlos Chan, Peter Glenn, Shai Shprung