Hold on While Loading Virtual Maps and routing ride # 316

Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 4,706 feet
    316 to RS1     to Regroup     to rest stop 2     back    Accum. elevation gain: 4,706 feet
2010-11-13 21:30:10 Shai Shprung from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
11/13/10 - strong wind from the North. Made the ride back home lovely but the climb in part was harder than usual - on top of the semi-off-road 12% section you had to fight a 30mph blow in-your-face.
It was noticeable in the way down the hill too.
I was on a deep wheel (stupid, I know...) and was almost skidding the front wheel on some of the turn when a gust of wind hit it as I descending.
Post a Comment for ride #316; Level 4; 43.5 miles
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Tagged (11/10/07): Andy Shaker, Big John (John Hallam), Bill Schuler, Blazhe Stoianoff, Caren Lieberman, Carl Wurtz, Carrie Beers, Gary Cohen, Henry, Jim Davis, Jody Stange, Joe Nemec, Joel Garfield, Larry Rouse, Mark Reden, Mel Novarro, Michael Dekel, Michele Hebrank, Mike Summers, Oleg, Peter Glenn, Peter Ungar, R.J. LoCurto, Randy Lawrence, Sarah Brodsky, Shai Shprung

Uploaded on 11/21/09
Tagged (11/21/09): Carrie Beers, Jeff Clarke, Shai Shprung

Uploaded on 11/13/10
Tagged (11/13/10): Bill Schuler, Constantin Bancila, James Valiensi, Jeff Clarck, John Weygint, Laura, Mike Summers, Peter Glenn, Peter Ungar, Vertical Bob
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