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and routing ride # 517
Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 2,061 feet
517 to rest stop
Accum. elevation gain: 2,061 feet
Post a Comment for ride #517; Level 3; 40.7 miles
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Tagged (09/20/08): Alan Fishman, Alan Tolkoff, Alex Rade, Blazhe Stoianoff, Bud Bates, Carl Wurtz, Carrie Beers, Cathy Stramat, Glenda Hanazawa, Harold Minden, James Valiensi, Jim Shafer, Joe Nemec, Joel Eisenberg, Lance Presnall, Larry Rouse, Peter Ungar, Pierre Roux, Randy Lawrence, Robin Shafer, Sarah Brodsky, Shai Shprung, Stan Motzkin, Tom Soule, Vance Macdonald