Hold on While Loading Virtual Maps and routing ride # 600

Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 2,060 feet
    600 to rest stop     back    Accum. elevation gain: 2,060 feet
2011-02-19 15:19:16 Shai Shprung from Encino, CA:
Small report for the last part of the ride:
That last photo from 2/19/2011 is my broken helmet.
Going down Ventura blvd near Winnetka...
Well, it was not part of the the official route as it shown in the map above, but the group split & reroute: some climb old Topanga while other continue on Topanga like they route suggest but we turned on Ventura & continue east.
so I was going about 30mph on my fixed gear down the hill and then the chain drop and lock the wheel. Skidding a bit on the wet road (yup, we hit some rain today) and slamming into the asphalt hard (from 30 to 0 is no time). End with road rush, and bye bye to the Jersey & Helmet - but nothing was broken so I set for few minutes; fix the bike/chain and continue riding home.
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Tagged (02/19/11): Andy Shaker, Bill Schuler, Caren Lieberman, Carl Wurtz, Peter Glenn, Randy Lawrence, Shai Shprung, Steve Bradasich
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