Hold on While Loading Virtual Maps and routing ride # 740

Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 1,694 feet
    740 to rest stop     back    Accum. elevation gain: 1,694 feet
2009-04-13 14:23:00 JuanCarlos from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
After climbing Two Topanga Tops somebody suggested to go do Santa Susana, so we did but went thru Valley Circle and accross Box Canyon till we reached SantaSu, it was GRUELING! All the pain and suffering is what makes the rides memorable. So why do we do it? BECAUSE WE CAN! The Garmin 305 posted elevation gains over the 3000 feet.
2011-04-24 17:29:12 Shai Shprung from Encino, CA:
this route was used in Jim's memorial ride.
photos from this ride: https://picasaweb.google.com/shprung/20110424SFVBCJimSMemorial
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Tagged (04/11/09): Armen Hagobian, Caren Lieberman, Chris Garvey, Danil Varol, Dave Linder, Glenn De Guzman, Gregg De Guzman, Irwing, Jeff Clarck, Jessada Sornduang, Jim Davis, John Weygint, Juan Carlos Chan, Mark Reden, Mel Novarro, Michael Goodman, Peter Glenn, Rob Shaffer
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