Hold on While Loading Virtual Maps and routing ride # BR-200k

Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 1,832 feet
    BR-200k to CP1     to CP2     to CP3     back    Accum. elevation gain: 1,832 feet
2009-01-13 07:24:50 Shai from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
Advice: take it easy when it 40mph wind gust... find someone (big) to ride behind, but don't get too close because a wind blow can stop him/her and you will have to apply some brakes.
The first 60 miles was hard due to the wind, but then it was a very nice a warm day.
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Tagged (01/10/09): Bruce Shannahoff, Chris Farmer, Dana Lieberman, Jim Swarzman, Jun Sato, Lisa Jones, Lonnie "Epic" Wolff , Ole Eichhorn, Peter Glenn, Shai Shprung
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