Hold on While Loading Virtual Maps and routing ride # Cen-1

Total elevation gain (accumulative going up hill): 5,807 feet
    Cen-1 to RS1     to RS2     to RS3     to RS4     to RS5     back    Accum. elevation gain: 5,807 feet
2007-05-14 23:38:41 You are thin-Harvey Sherman from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
It looks great.You are so thin.Have
2007-05-15 00:07:15 You are thin-Harvey Sherman from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
I love it.I cant imagin that you went 101 miles-The web sight looks good.Next time let me photograph the next long trip.
2008-05-11 18:18:26 Shai it looks great .You have from LA (san fernando valley), CA:
It looks like a lot of fun.I see a lot food on the table.Your friends seem like a festeval.
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Tagged (05/05/07): Bobbie Schultz, Harold Minden, Jack Speer, Jim Davis, Michele Hebrank, Phill, Shai Shprung

Uploaded on 05/10/08
Tagged (05/10/08): Andy Shaker, Carrie Beers, Shai Shprung, Steve Heinold

Uploaded on 05/09/09
Tagged (05/09/09): Alan Tolkoff, Clifford Russell, Evan Grissom, Jessada Sornduang, Jim Shafer, John Weygint, Juan Carlos Chan, Michael Goodman, Robin Shafer

Uploaded on 05/11/09
Tagged (05/11/09): Alan Tolkoff, Clifford Russell, Evan Grissom, Jessada Sornduang, Jim Shafer, John Weygint, Juan Carlos Chan, Michael Goodman
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