[\<- 06/22](06-22.md) --- ## Is there a Separation of Church and State in the US? - There are some political issues that involve religion - There is no church tax, though - Religion is imbued on our money and in our national anthem ## Natural Law Reading - Biological/Physical reactions can affect our ability to make decisions - Debate over what humans should be able to do to the earth ## Plato's on Love Reading - Plato's issue with sexuality is complicated, he prefers to focus away from the body - Claims homosexuality is unnatural - During this time, homosexual relations were often pedophilic - Plato was deeply against these relationships - Plato claims that there are no homosexual relationships of animals - Note that, back then, homosexual relations between women were not seen as sexual in nature (due to lack of penetration) ## Catholic Catechism Reading - Sexuality exists for procreation - Homosexuals should still be accepted - Hate the sin, not the sinner - Homosexuality is seen as a mental disorder