path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfd1de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+[-> Notes 02/26](
+# Large Programs
+- When programs are long
+ - Need to split the file into several files
+ - Need to compile them together
+ - Example:
+ - We have files: main.c, list.c, file.c
+ - To compile: `gcc -o proj main.c list.c file.c`
+- Sharing global variables
+ - Define types in a `.h` file
+ - Declare global variables (do not initialize!)
+ - extern in a .h file
+ - Declare and initialize global variables
+ - in one of the .c file (e.g., the main one)
+ - Include the .h file in all the .c files which use any of the global variables: `#include "proj.h"`
+- Example:
+ - in `link.h`, declare (do not initialize!) global variables
+ - `extern NODE *head;`
+ - In main.c, include link.h, and declare and initialize global variables
+#include "link.h"
+NODE *head = (NODE *)NULL;
+- In all the other .c files, just include link.h
+ - `#include "link.h"`
+- Use `makefile` to automate the compilation process
+- Create a "makefile" file with instructions
+- Command `make` will parse the makefile file and execute the appropraite command
+ - `<prompt> make proj1`
+- Example 1:
+proj1: main1.c list1.c io1.c
+ gcc -o proj1 main1.c list1.c io1.c
+ ./proj1 filename
+- Example 2:
+proj2: main2.c list2.c thr2.c
+ gcc -o proj2 main2.c list2.c thr2.c -lpthread
+ ./proj2 filename1 filename2
+- The tab is important! (its the syntax)
+## Development Tools
+- Unix/Linux
+ - Environment and commands
+ - Tools - learn to use these!!
+ - vi
+ - grep
+ - gdb
+ - makefile
+ - shell script
+- Libraries
+ - Math
+ - String
+ - Memory
+ - Threads
+# Special Operators
+## Condtional Operator
+- The conditional operator `?:` takes three operands
+ - c ? r1 : r2
+ - The value of the expression using the conditional operator is the value of either its second or third operand, depending on the value of the first operand
+ - Shorthand for:
+ //result value is r1
+ //result value is r2
+- Examples
+ - In assignment: `x = (a < b) ? a : b;`
+ - x will be assigned the smallest value between a and b
+- Very useful for macros
+- Examples:
+ - `#define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))`
+ - returns the max between the paramaters assigned to a and b
+ - `define ISLETTER(c) (((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'z') ? 1 : 0)`
+ - returns 1 if the value of assigned to c is a letter and returns 0 if not
+## Sequential Evaluation
+- The comma operator
+ - Evaluates its two operands in sequence, yeilding the value of the second operand as the value of the expression
+ - The value of the first is discarded
+- Example:
+ - In assignments: `x = (i += 2, a[i]);` -> `i += 2; x = a[i];`
+ - Parenthesis are important because precedence
+## Bitwise Operators
+- Positive integers are represented in the computer by standard binary numbers
+ - Examples:
+short n = 13;
+//in memory - 0000 0000 0000 1101
+//2^0 + 2^2 + 2^3 = 13
+char c = 5;
+//in memory - 0000 0101
+//2^0 + 2^2 = 5
+- Bitwise operators
+ - take operands of any integer type
+ - char, short, int, long
+ - but treat an operand as a collection of bits rather than a single number
+### Bitwise Negation
+- Bitwise negation
+ - Operand: `~`
+ - Application of `~` to an integer produces a value in which each bit of the operand has been replaced by its negation
+ - 0 -> 1
+ - 1 -> 0
+ - Example:
+ - ` n = 0000 0000 0000 1101`
+ - `~n = 1111 1111 1111 0010`
+### Bitwise Shift
+- Shift operators
+ - shift left: `<<`
+ - shift right: `>>`
+ - Take two integers operands
+ - The value on the left is the number to be shifted
+ - Viewed as a collection of bits that can move
+ - To avoid implementation problems, avoid negative numbers when shifting right
+ - The value on the right is a nonnegative number telling how far to move the bits
+- Operand
+ - `<<` shifts bits left
+ - `>>` shifts bits right
+- The bits that "fall off the end" are lost
+- The "emptied" positions are filled with zeros
+- Examples:
+int n; // n is 0000 0000 0000 1101
+n << 1 //now n is 0000 0000 0001 1010
+n << 4 //now n is 0000 0000 1101 0000
+n >> 3 //now n is 0000 0000 0000 0001
+n << 4 //now n is 0000 0000 1101 0000