[\<- Notes 01/29](01-29.md) --- # Linked Lists Continued Recall: Linked List Declaration: ``` #define NODE struct node struct node{ char name[20]; int number; NODE *next; }; NODE *head = NULL; ``` ## Deleting a Node - if the Linked List only has one Node: ``` head->next = NULL; free(p); //where p is a pointer to the deleted node ``` - if the Linked List has more than one Node and you want to delete the first Node: | Visual Representation | | | | | | | | | | | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | | **Before:** | head | -> | n1 | -> | n2 | -> | n3 | | | | **After:** | head | -> | n2 | -> | n3 | | | | | ``` head = head->next; free(p); //where p is a pointer to the deleted node ``` the order of steps is important (freeing memory should always be the last step) - Find nodes with matching numbers 'n' (p and q are pointers pointing to the nodes they are in): | Visual Representation | | | | | | | | | | | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | | **Before:** | head | -> | n1 (p) (q)| -> | n2 | -> | n3 | | | ``` NODE *p, *q; p = q = head; while(p->number != n && p != NULL){ q = p; p = p->next; //traverse in n1 until it finds 'n' or it gets to the end (NULL); } ``` | Visual Representation | | | | | | | | | | | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | | **After above While loop:** | head | -> | n1 | -> | n2 (q)| -> | n3 (p)| | | ``` //eventually... q->next = NULL; free(p); ``` Conditional Statements to determine info about the above Linked List (where we want to delete the Node 'p' is pointing to): ``` if(head->next == NULL){ //there is only one node (head) head = head->next; free(p); } else{ if(p == head){ //this is the First Node head = head->next; free(p); } else if(p->next == NULL){ //this is the last node q->next = NULL; free(p); } else{ //the node is somewhere in the middle of the list q->next = p->next; free(p); } } ``` - It can be helpful to define a tail pointer in addition to the head pointer - the tail pointer would point to the end of the list --- [-> Notes 02/07](02-07.md)