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--- a/
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@@ -243,3 +243,7 @@ void shellSort(int a[], int n){
- You need to build a binary tree for this sort
- It is stable!
+[06/06 ->](
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+[\<- 06/03](
+# Quick Sort and Merge Sort
+- Last two sorting algorithms: quick sort and merge sort
+- Both are examples of a divide and conquer algorithm (more properly called divide, conquer, and unite)
+ 1. Divide: Split a problem into subproblems
+ 2. Conquer: Recursively solve each subproblem
+ 3. Unite: Combine the answers from the subproblems
+- Typically, either the divide or unite step is trivial
+ - If you're doing a lot of work to divide the problem and also a lot of work to combine the results, you've chosen a wrong approach!
+## Comparison
+- Quick sort is an efficient exchange-based sort
+ - The unite step is trivial: it's actually missing!
+ - The hard work is done in the divide step
+- Merge sort falls into the "other" category
+ - The divide step is trivial: it's just one line of code
+ - The hard work is done in the unite step
+- Both are **recursive** sorting algorithms
+## Recursive Array Algorithms
+- A typical array algorithm is passed the array and its size
+ - `void insertionSort(int a[], int n);`
+- Recursive algorithms on arrays operate on **subarrays**
+- They have to be passed the lower bound and upper bound of the subarray
+ - `void bsearch(int a[], int lo, int hi, int x);`
+- The lower and upper bounds are **inclusive**
+ - `bsearch(a, 0, n-1, x);`
+## Review: Binary Search
+bool bsearch(int a[], int lo, int hi, int x){
+ int mid;
+ if(lo > hi) return false;
+ mid = (lo + hi)/2;
+ if(x == a[mid]) return true;
+ else if(x < a[mid]) return bsearch(a, lo, mid-1, x);
+ else return bsearch(a, mid+1, hi, x);
+# Quick Sort
+- How it works
+ - Each time, selects an element, known as **pivot**
+ - Reorder the array so that all elements with values **less** than the pivot **come before** the pivot, while all elements with values **greater** than the pivot **come after it** (equal values can go either way). After this partitioning, **the pivot is in its final position**. This is called the partition operation
+ - **Recursively** apply the above steps to the sub-array of elements with smaller values and separately to the sub-array of elements with greater values
+## Code
+void quicksort(int a[], int lo, int hi){
+ if(hi > lo){
+ int p = partition(a, lo, hi); //divide
+ quicksort(a, lo, p-1); //conquer left half
+ quicksort(a, p+1, hi); //conquer right half
+ }
+## Demonstration
+![visualization of pivot](06-05_img1.png)
+## Selection of Pivot
+- It's important - affect Big O
+- How
+ - Select the leftmost one or rightmost one
+ - find the median:
+- The leftmost and rightmost elements are pretty skewed...
+ - Solution: do 3 comparisons
+- Compare the leftmost value and the middle value. If they are out of order, swap them
+- Compare leftmost and rightmost value. If they are out of order, swap them
+- Compare middle value and rightmost value. If they are out of order, swap them
+- Now we have a smaller value in the leftmost, a middling value in the middle, and a larger value in the rightmost
+## Lomuto's Partition Algorithm
+- Two magic walls
+- Move second wall **from left to right**: Looking for the elements less than the pivot
+- When found, swap with value at first wall, and advance first wall
+- When all done, place the pivot in the middle
+### Code
+int partition(int a[], int lo, int hi){
+ p = a[hi]; //last value is pivot
+ sep = lo;
+ for(i = lo, i<hi, i++){
+ if(a[i] < p){
+ swap(a[i], a[sep]);
+ sep++;
+ }
+ }
+ swap(a[hi], a[sep]);
+ return sep;
+### Example
+|wall| | | | | | | | | | | |wall|pivot|
+- Check 78: greater than 62, so it should be after the wall
+- Check 21: less than 62, so it should be before the wall
+| |wall| | | | | | | | | | |wall|pivot|
+- Check 14: less than 62, so it should be before the wall
+| | |wall| | | | | | | | | |wall|pivot|
+- Check 97: greater than 62, so it should be after the wall
+- Check 87: greater than 62, so it should be after the wall
+- Check 22: less than 62, so it should be before the wall
+| | | |wall| | | | | | | | |wall|pivot|
+- Check 74: greater than 62, so it should be after the wall
+- Check 85: greater than 62, so it should be after the wall
+- Check 76: greater than 62, so it should be after the wall
+- Check 45: less than 62, so it should be before the wall
+| | | | |wall| | | | | | | |wall|pivot|
+- Check 84: greater than 62, so it should be after the wall
+- Now, all that's left to do is swap the pivot with 87
+| | | | |wall|pivot|wall| | | | | | |
+## Hoare's Partition Algorithm
+![visualization of method](06-05_img3.png)
+- Move **from left to right**: Looking for the element to place on the **right** of the pivot
+- Move **from right to left**: Looking for the element to place on the **left** of the pivot
+- Exchange them and move forward
+- When the two walls meet, place the pivot in the middle
+- Does approx. 1/3 swaps as previous partition algorithm
+### Example
+|\| |06 |02 |04 |01 |05 |07 |08 |\| |03 |
+|wall | | | | | | | |wall |pivot|
+- Is 6 bigger than 3? yes
+- Is 2 bigger than 3? no
+ - swap 2 and 6
+ - move the wall
+|02 |\| |06 |04 |01 |05 |07 |08 |\| |03 |
+| |wall | | | | | | |wall |pivot|
+- Is 4 bigger than 3? yes
+- Is 1 bigger than 3? no
+ - Swap 1 and 6
+ - move the wall
+|02 |01 |\| |04 |06 |05 |07 |08 |\| |03 |
+| | |wall | | | | | |wall |pivot|
+- Is 5 bigger than 3? yes
+- Is 7 bigger than 3? yes
+- Is 8 bigger than 3? yes
+- Now, we just need to put the pivot in the middle by swapping 3 and 4
+|02 |01 |\| |03 |\| |06 |05 |07 |08 |04 |
+| | |wall |pivot|wall | | | | | |
+- Then we would do it all again with the partitions...
+- Comparison with bubble sort
+ - In bubble sort, **consecutive items** are compared and possible exchanged on each pass through the list => more exchanges are required
+ - In quick sort, a typical exchange involves elements that are **far apart** => fewer exchanges are required to correctly position an element
+## Analysis: Best Case
+- Assume we always find the median as the pivot
+- An array of size n always splits into two arrays of size n/2
+ - At level 1, we do n steps in partition
+ - At level 2, we do 2 * (n/2) steps (2 partitions of size n/2)
+ - At level 3, we do 4 * (n/4) steps (4 partitions of size n/4)
+ - ...
+- How many levels are there? O(log(n))
+- Total amount of work is O(nlog(n))
+## Analysis: Worst Case
+- Assume we always find the largest value as the pivot
+- An array of size n always splits into an array of size n-1, and another array of size 0
+ - At level 1, we do n steps in partition
+ - At level 2, we do n-1 steps (1 partition of size n-1)
+ - At level 3, we do n-3 steps (1 partition of size n-2)
+ - ...
+- Total amount of work is n + (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 1 = O(n^2)
+- Big-O analysis
+ - Best case? - O(nlog(n))
+ - Average case? = O(nlog(n))
+ - Worst case? - O(n^2)
+- Stability?
+ - Consider sequence 5 6 **6** 3 2
+ - not stable
+### Space Overhead
+- Space overhead? O(1) O(log(n))? O(n)?
+ - Each recursive call has O(1) space overhead
+- What is the average depth of recursion? O(log(n))
+- What is the worst case depth of recursion? O(n)
+ - But if we are clever, we can reduce that
+ - Recurse on the smaller sublist, then loop back and do the larger list
+- So, the space overhead in the worst case is O(log(n))
+# Merge Sort
+- How it works
+ - Split the array in half. Unlike quick sort we always split the array exactly in half
+ - **Recursively** sort each half. An array of size 0 or 1 is already sorted
+ - **Merge** each half linear time
+## Merging
+- Consider two sorted arrays, a and b
+- Keep an index i and j into each array
+- Compare a]i\ and b]j\
+- Place the smaller in the output and advance the index
+- If you reach the end of either array, copy the other array's contents into the output
+- Runtime is O(length of a + length of b)
+### Merging Example
+- Merge 1, 3, 5, 6 with 2, 4, 5, 8
+ - 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 8
+ - Merging is O(n)
+## Code
+void mergesort(int a[], int lo, int hi){
+ if(hi > lo){
+ int mid = (lo + hi)/2; //divide
+ mergesort(a, lo, mid-1); //conquer left half
+ mergesort(a, mid, hi); //conquer right half
+ merge(a, lo, mid-1, mid, hi); //unite
+ }
+## Example
+- 6 2 4 1 6 7 8 3
+ - Cut it in half
+ - 6 2 4 1
+ - Cut it in half
+ - 6 2
+ - 4 1
+ - 5 7 8 3
+ - Cut it in half
+ - 5 7
+ - 8 3
+- First half
+ - sort 6 2 -> 2 6
+ - sort 4 1 -> 1 4
+ - merge them
+ - 1 2 4 6
+- Second half
+ - sort 5 7 -> 5 7
+ - sort 8 3 -> 3 8
+ - merge them
+ - 3 5 7 8
+- Now all that's left is to merge the two halves
+ - 1 comes before 3
+ - 2 comes before 3
+ - 3 comes before 4
+ - 4 comes before 5
+ - 5 comes before 6
+ - 6 comes before 7
+ - add 7 and 8 to the end
+ - **1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8**
+## Analysis
+- Big O analysis
+ - Best case? = O(nlog(n))
+ - Average case? = O(nlog(n))
+ - Worst case? = O(nlog(n))
+- Stability?
+ - Yes! As long as we break a tie by always choosing from the first list
+- Space overhead? O(n)!
+ - Cannot merge in place! Need to use separate array
+# Summary
+| |Best Case |Average Case |Worst Case |Stability |Space Overhead|
+|------------------|--------- |------------ |---------- |----------|--------------|
+|**Selection Sort**|O(n^2) |O(n^2) |O(n^2) |Not stable|O(1) |
+|**Heap Sort** |O(nlog(n))|O(nlog(n)) |O(nlog(n)) |Not stable|O(1) |
+|**Insertion Sort**|O(n) |O(n^2) |O(n^2) |Stable |O(1) |
+|**Shell Sort** |O(nlog(n))|>= O(n^(4/3))|>= O(n^(3/2))|Not stable|O(1) |
+|**Bubble Sort** |O(n) |O(n^2) |O(n^2) |Stable |O(1) |
+|**Quick Sort** |O(nlog(n))|O(nlog(n)) |O(n^2) |Not stable|O(log(n)) |
+|**Merge Sort** |O(nlog(n))|O(nlog(n)) |O(nlog(n)) |Stable |O(n) |
+|**Tree Sort** |O(nlog(n))|O(nlog(n)) |O(nlog(n)) |Stable |O(n) |
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