path: root/
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1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
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--- /dev/null
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+[\<- 04/15](
+## Review What We Have Learned So Far
+|Basic Operation|Unsorted Array|Sorted Array|
+|**Search Find**|O(n) |O(log(n)) |
+|**Insert** |O(1) |O(n) |
+|**Delete** |O(1) |O(n) |
+|**Min/Max** |O(n) |O(1) |
+- Search Find
+ - Unsorted would use sequential search
+ - Sorted would use binary search
+- Insert
+ - Unsorted: you can just insert at the end
+ - Sorted: need to determine where to insert so that the array stays ordered
+- Delete
+ - Unsorted: can just swap the last entry in for the deleted entry and make the array length minus 1
+ - Sorted: need to shift all indices after deleted index down
+- Min/Max
+ - Unsorted: Need to traverse entire array
+ - Sorted: Min and max are the first and last indices
+## Making it Faster
+- Let's work on making searching in an array even faster: O(1)
+## Hashing
+- A key-to-address mapping process
+- Ex.
+ - We have keys
+ - x
+ - y
+ - We have address
+ - 000
+ - 001
+ - 002
+ - ...
+ - 100
+ - We have a function `h()`
+ - `h(x)` is the **address** for **key** x, `h(y)` is the **address** for **key** y
+ - to search: `a[h(x)]`... O(1)
+## Outline
+- Q: I want to know if someone recieved a given score x on the exam. Each score should range from 0 to 100. How could I do this quickly?
+- A: Have an array in which each score has its own slot
+- What is the hashing method `h(x)`?
+h(x) = x;
+- It's called **direct hashing**!
+## Example 2
+- Let's try something else. We're reading words from a book, so let's ask if all the letters were used
+- Q: What if our inputs were letters? How to construct `h()`?
+ - We have an array from index 0 to 51. The first half is for lower case letters. The second half for upper case letters
+ - 'a' should go to index 0
+ - 'b' should go to index 1... etc
+ - We will take advantage of the ASCII table
+if('a' <= x <= 'z') h(x) = x-'a';
+if('A' <= x <= 'Z') h(x) = x-'A'+26; //offset to the second half of the array
+- The Big-O runtime of this is O(1)
+- This is so-called **subtraction method**
+## Example 3
+- Ex. What if I want to know whether someone in the university earns a certain salary? And I know that the lowest paid person is #30k and highest paid is $200k, and salaries are in increments of $1k... so...
+- Q: How would you map them?
+ - There should be an array where index 0 is 30k, 1 is 31k, 2 is 32k, etc. The final index is 200k.
+h(x) = (x - 30k)/1k
+## Concepts
+- What we're doing in these examples is trying to find a function, `h(x)`, that takes as inputs some arbitrary data and maps them onto 0 to m-1, which we can then use ar array indices
+- This technique is called **hashing**
+- The array indexed by such a function is called a **hash table**
+- The function itself is called the **hash function**
+- It turns out that if we know the keys in advance then we can always derive a **perfect hash function** (each key hashes to its own unique location). **One-to-one mapping**
+## Example 4
+- What if I wanted to use you ID numbers, but map them to no more than 100 slots?
+ - Using the first digit... is terrible (will not work)
+ - Using the last digit... a little better, but would only work with at most 10 students
+ - Using the last two digits... this might work, but there is **hashing collision** if two students have the same last two digits
+ - Multiply by 17, divide by 97 and take the remainder... maybe better, but no guaruntee that there won't be collision
+In practice, we don't know the keys in advance, it is very hard to derive a perfect hash function
+## A New Hashing Method - Modulo Arithmetic
+- The simplest way to make sure a hash function always maps within 0..m-1 is to take the result and take the remainder fo dividing by m
+- Since our hash function needs to yield values between "0" and "m-1" (m is max), we usually do: `h(x) % m`
+- We like to pick m as a **prime number**, since it will generate less collisions (you don't have to understand why)
+## Modulo Arithmetic
+- Let's have a simple example
+ - m = 7
+ - k = 8, 14, 12, 2, 4
+ - `h(k) = k % m`
+- h(8) -> go to index 1
+- h(14) -> go to index 2
+- h(12) -> go to index 5
+- h(2) -> go to index 2
+- h(4) -> go to index 4
+- If we insert 11...
+ - h(11) -> go to index 4
+ - There is multiple keys mapped to the same index now -> collision :(
+## Collision Resolutions
+- Even if we choose a good hash function that does a good job distributing the keys across the entire hash table, we will still have collisions in practice and need to deal with them
+- The next step will be to cover **Collision Resolutions**...