path: root/
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1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..1a7ae0b
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+[\<- 05/04](
+## BigO
+- **When given pPrev** (the address of the previous node), it takes us **O(1)** to insert/delete a node in a linked list
+- Then how do we find pPrev?
+## Linked List - Search
+- To search a linked list, **no matter if it's ordered or not**, we have to do sequential search. Why?
+ - Because there's no **physical relationship** among nodes
+- What is the bigO? -> O(n)
+## Search - Exercise 1
+- What is the bigO run time for the following tasks?
+ - In an **unsorted** singly linked list
+|Find a specific value |O(n)|
+|Find the largest value |O(n)|
+|Find the smallest value |O(n)|
+|Remove the largest value |O(n)|
+|Remove the smallest value |O(n)|
+|Insert a new value at the end of the list|O(n)|
+- How about an unsorted singly linked **circular** list?
+|Find a specific value |O(n)|
+|Find the largest value |O(n)|
+|Find the smallest value |O(n)|
+|Remove the largest value |O(n)|
+|Remove the smallest value |O(n)|
+|Insert a new value at the end of the list|O(n)|
+- It will still give us O(n) for all, circular or not
+## Search - Exercise 2
+- What is the bigO runt time for the following tasks?
+ - In a **sorted** singly linked list (ascending order)
+|Find a specific value |O(n)|
+|Find the largest value |O(n)|
+|Find the smallest value |O(1)|
+|Remove the largest value |O(n)|
+|Remove the smallest value|O(1)|
+|Insert a new element |O(n)|
+- How about a sorted **circular doubly-linked** list
+|Find a specific value |O(n)|
+|Find the largest value |O(1)|
+|Find the smallest value |O(1)|
+|Remove the largest value |O(1)|
+|Remove the smallest value|O(1)|
+|Insert a new element |O(n)|
+- Given a **sorted** singly linked list (ascending order), what to return?
+ - Found - true? or false?
+ - If the node is **found** in the list, return **its location (i.e. pCur)**
+ - If the node is **not found** in the list, for insertion and eletion purpose, we also need to return the **location of the previous node** (i.e. pPrev). Therefore, pCur represents the node's successor if it is inserted
+|Target < first node |NULL/dummy node |First node |False|
+|Target = first node |NULL/dummy node |First node |True |
+|first < Target < last|Largest node < Target|First node > Target|False|
+|Target = middle node |Node's predecessor |Equal node |True |
+|Target = last node |Last's predecessor |Last node |True |
+|Target > last node |Last node |NULL |False|
+bool ListSearch(struct list *pList, struct node *pPrev, struct node *pLoc, struct node *pTarget){
+ assert(pList != NULL && pTarget != NULL);
+ pPrev = NULL; //or dummy node, depending on how you create the linked list
+ pLoc = pList->head;
+ while(pLoc != NULL && pTarget->data > pLoc->data){
+ pPrev = pLoc;
+ pLoc = pLoc->next;
+ }
+ if(pLoc == NULL) return false;
+ if(pTarget->data == pLoc->data) return true;
+ return false;
+## Linked List with a Tail Pointer
+- Advantage: make it possible to directly access the last element in the list
+ 1. Adding a new element to the end of the list
+ 2. Accessing the max/min (assuming the list is sorted)
+- Question: If we want to access the element right before the last element in the list, will the tail pointer make it easier?
+ - It doesn't help (assuming the list is singly-linked) -> still O(n)
+- Further Question: How about if we want to remove the last element?
+ - It doesn't help (assuming the list is singly-linked) since you still need to change where the previous node is pointing
+## Exercise 3
+- What is the bigO run time for the following tasks in a **sorted singly linked list with a tail pointer** (ascending order)
+|Find a specific value |O(n)|
+|Find the largest value |O(1)|
+|Remove the largest value |O(n)|
+|Find the smallest value |O(1)|
+|Remove the smallest value|O(1)|
+|Insert a new element |O(n)|
+## Traverse List
+- Start at the first node and examine each node in succession until the last node has been processed.
+- When to use it?
+ - Change the value of each node
+ - Print the list
+ - Sum/Average, etc.
+- We need a walking pointer moving from node to node
+void printList(struct list *pList){
+ assert(pList != NULL);
+ NODE *pCur = pList->head; //current pointer
+ while(pCur != NULL){
+ printf("%d", pCur->data);
+ pCur = pCur->next;
+ }
+## Destroy List
+- What to do? - No dummy node
+ - Delete all the nodes in the list
+ - Recycle their memory
+void destroyList(struct list *pList){
+ assert(pList != NULL);
+ NODE *pDel = pList->head;
+ while(pList->head != NULL){
+ pDel = pList->head;
+ pList->head = pDel->next;
+ free(pDel);
+ pList->count--;
+ }
+ free(pList);
+# Use Linked List to Implement Different ADT
+## Big-O Analysis
+- Let's use a **singly-linked list** to implement a **queue** and a **stack**
+| |Push|Pop |Top |
+|**Head pointer only** |O(1)|O(1)|O(1)|
+|**Head & Tail pointer**|O(1)|O(1)|O(1)|
+| |Enqueue |Dequeue |
+|**Head pointer only** |O(1)/O(n)|O(n)/O(1)|
+|**Head & Tail pointer**|O(1) |O(1) |
+- Let's use a singly-linked list to implement a SET and a BAG
+| | |HAS |Add |Remove|Min |Max |
+|**Unsorted**|Head only |O(n)|O(n)|O(n) |O(n)|O(n)|
+|**Unsorted**|Head & Tail|O(n)|O(n)|O(n) |O(n)|O(n)|
+|**Sorted** |Head only |O(n)|O(n)|O(n) |O(1)|O(n)|
+|**Sorted** |Head & Tail|O(n)|O(n)|O(n) |O(1)|O(1)|
+| | |HAS |Add |Remove|
+|**Unsorted**|Head only |O(n)|O(1)|O(n) |
+|**Unsorted**|Head & Tail|O(n)|O(1)|O(n) |
+|**Sorted** |Head only |O(n)|O(n)|O(n) |
+|**Sorted** |Head & Tail|O(n)|O(n)|O(n) |
+|SET |Unsorted Array|Sorted Array|Hash Table|Unsorted Linked List|Sorted Linked List|
+|**Search/Find**|O(n) |O(log(n)) |O(n) |O(n) |O(n) |
+|**Add** |O(n) |O(n) |O(n) |O(n) |O(n) |
+|**Remove** |O(n) |O(n) |O(n) |O(n) |O(n) |
+|**Min/Max** |O(n) |O(1) |O(1) |O(n) |O(1) (assuming fast access to tail)|