[\<- 04/08](04-08.md) --- ## Review - Data Structure What is a data structure? - How data is organized in memory (or hard disk) Why do we care about data structure? - Efficiency - time/space efficiency - How to measure time efficiency? - Count # of operations - What types of operations do we care about? - Insertion - Deletion - Access/Search - Min/Max - Union/Merge - When do we care? - We only care about the one with the highest impact on efficiency ## Review - Big-O Notation The correct form of big-O - Drop all but the fastest-growing term - Drop the constant coefficient of the remaining term - e.g `1500n^2 + 4n + 3log(n) + 2` -> `1500n^2` -> `n^2` - Big-O notation for this example would be O(n^2) How to evaluate the big-O for a piece of code? - We mainly care about repetitive operations - Operations that are only executed once (or constant times) will be ignored - Loops - Single layer loop - Nested loop ## Summary: Big-O for Nested Loops Step 1: Analyze if it's a dependent loop or independent loop. Assume the counter variable of the outsider loop is `i` 1. if `i` is not involved in insider loop -> **independent loop** 2. Otherwise -> **dependent loop** Step 2: If independent loop: - O_overall = O(outsider loop) * O(insider loop) - Otherwise (dependent loop): - For each iteration of the outsider loop -> count # of operations for the insider loop, add them together ## Nested Loop II - Dependent Loops ``` for(i=0; i x = log3(n)+1 - O(x) = O(log(n)) ``` for(i=0; i=1; i=i/3){ for(j=0; j