[\<- 04/13](04-13.md) # Abstract Data Type - An abstract data type is a data type whose **implementation has been hidden or abstracted away.** - We cannot see the implementation. Instead we have to use a set of functions called the **interface** - We say the implementation is kept private and the interface is public Encapsulating the **data** and the **operation** on the data, and then hide them from the user 1. Declaration of data 2. Declaration of operations 3. Encapsulation of data and operations ## Data Structure & ADT Data Structure: - Things to care - how to organize data in memory or disk - Examples: array; linked list; ADT: - Things to care - what data - what operations can be done on these data - Things not to care - how to organize data in memory or disk (It can be done through any data structure) ## Example ADT - FILE - We don't know what a FILE looks like - The file system are likely to change from machine to machine, e.g. MAC/Windows, 64 bit/32 bit - We don't want our program to have to change from machine to machine, so C hides the low level details (implementation) from us. We only use an interface as declared in `` - fopen, fscanf, ... ## Implementing a SET Using Array Pre-knowledge 1. Store string elements in an array 2. Dynamically sized array 3. Structure # Store String Elements in an Array ## One String in C - Character Array Character Array |m|a|n|g|o|\0| |-|-|-|-|-|--| |b|a|n|a|n|a|\0| |-|-|-|-|-|-|--| Refer to the character array through a character pointer: `char *` ## Assert - An **assertion** specifies that a program satisfies certain conditions at a particular points in its execution - Common uses - Pointers are not `NULL` - Indices and size values are non-negative and less than a known limit - Ex. - p is a pointer: `assert(p != NULL);` - Make sure to test the condition **before** the usage of the variable ## Strucutre in C ### Concept - A structure is **a collection of one or more variables**, possible of different types, grouped together under a single name for convenient handling - e.g. ``` struct mystruct{ int a; int b; char c; }; ``` --- [04/20 ->](04-20.md)