[\<- 1.3](1.3.md) --- # 1.4 Predicates and Quantifiers p1 ## Propositional Functions - Ex. Note "w < 5" and "x^2 + y^2 = z^2" are not propositions since a proposition is either true or false, but not both. - The problem is they could be true or false depending on what the variables are - Let P(w) be "w < 5" - Once we specify a value for "w", this becomes a proposition - E.g. P(3) -> 3<5 -> `P(3)≡T` - E.g. P(6) -> 6<5 -> `P(6)≡F` - We call P(w) a **propositional function** - Ex. Let R(x,y,z) be the propositional function "x^2 + y^2 = z^2". Evaluate the truth values of R(1,2,3) and R(3,4,5) - R(1,2,3) -> 1 + 4 = 9 -> `R(1,2,3)≡F` - R(3,4,5) -> 9 + 16 = 25 -> `R(3,4,5)≡T` --- ## Quantifiers - The proposition "for all (for every) x in the domain, P(x) is true" is denoted `∀x P(x)` - `∀x P(x)` is read "for all x P(x) is true - `∀` = "for all" and is called the universal quantifier - Ex. Let P(x) be "x^2 >= 0" and Q(x) be "x^2 > 0". If the domain is all reals, evalueate the truth values of the propositions - (a) `∀x P(x)` - `∀x P(x) ≡ T` - (b) `∀x Q(x)` - `∀x Q(x) ≡ F` since "x^2 >= 0" is *not* true when x=0. - Note: If there is even one value of x where Q(x) is false, then `∀x Q(x) ≡ F` - Ex. Let L(x) be "x > 8" with domain {10, 11, 12}. Then, - `∀x L(x) ≡ L(10) ^ L(11) ^ L(12) ≡ T` - For a **finite domain**, we can rewrite `∀x L(x)` as a **conjunction** --- - The proposition "there exists (there is) an x in the domain such that P(x) is true" is denoted by `Ǝx P(x)` - `Ǝ` is read "there exists" and is called the existential quantifier - To review: - `Ǝx` means "there's at least one x in the domain..." - `∀x` means "for all x in the domain, ..." - Ex. Let M(x) be "2x + 3 = 29". Evaluate the truth value of `Ǝx M(x)` if the domain is - (a) {10,11,12} - `Ǝx M(x) ≡ M(10) ∨ M(11) ∨ M(12)` - `M(10) ≡ F` - `M(11) ≡ F` - `M(12) ≡ F` - Therefore, `Ǝx M(x) ≡ F` - (b) Integers - `Ǝx M(x) ≡ T` since x=13 makes M(x) true - For a **finite** domain, we can write `Ǝx M(x)` as **disjunction** (or statement) --- # 1.4 Predicates and Quantifiers p2 - The propositional function "there exists a **unique** x in the domain such that P(x) is true" is denoted by `Ǝ!x P(x)` - The "!" means "unique" - Ex. Let the domain of x be the reals. Let T(x) be "x^3 - 4 = 0" and S(x) be "x^2 = 4x". Evaluate the truth value of - (a) `Ǝ!x T(x)` - `Ǝ!x T(x) ≡ T` since x = 4^(1/3) is the **only** value that works - (b) `Ǝ!x S(x)` - How to apporach this problem: - **Incorrect** dividing both sides by x (you get x=4) causes you to lose solutions - **Correct** move everything to one side and factor (you get x(x-4)=0) - `Ǝ!x S(x) ≡ F` since both x=0 and x=4 work (there is more than one x that works) ### Two ways to turn Propositional Function, R(x), into a Proposition 1. Assign a value to x 2. Put a quantifier in front of it ### Precedence 1. `∀`, `Ǝ`, `Ǝ!` 2. `┓` 3. `^`, `∨`, `⊕` 4. `->`, `<->` - Ex. `∀x P(x) -> q` - means `(∀x P(x)) -> q` --- ## Scope - `T(x) -> r` is a propositional function - T(x) and r are each propositions for which we do not know the truth values - `(∀x T(x)) -> r` is a proposition - **scope** of ∀x is T(x) (clarified by parenthesis) - `∀x (T(x) -> r)` is a proposition - **scope** of ∀x is `T(x)->r` Takeaway: If there's a variable not in the scope of a quantifier, it's**not** a proposition ### Convert English into Logical Statements - Ex. What is the negation of "all dogs bark"? Write in words and logical symbols (2 ways) - Let B(x) be "x barks" and the domain of x is dogs |Words|Symbols| |-----|-------| |All dogs bark|∀x B(x)| |Not all dogs bark|┓∀x B(x)| |There is at least one dog who doesn't bark|Ǝx ┓B(x)| Takeaway: - `┓∀x B(x) ≡ Ǝx ┓B(x)` - `Ǝx ┓B(x) ≡ ∀x ┓B(x)` - "It's not the case that there is a dog that barks" means the same as "No dogs bark" --- - Ex. Convert the following sentences into logical statements 1. "There is a woman with a PhD and an MD" - Let P(x) be "x has a PhD" and the domain of x is women - Let M(x) be "x has an MD" and the domain of x is women - `Ǝx (P(x) ^ M(x))` 2. "There is exactly one woman with a PhD and MD" - Use the setup from the previous sentence - `Ǝ!x (P(x) ^ M(x))` 3. "No one has seen an alien" - Think about it: "No one" is the opposite of "at least one" - Let A(x) be "x has seen an alien" where the domain of x is people - `┓Ǝx A(x)` simplified to `∀x ┓A(x)` 4. "The campus is quiet when everyone is home" - Let H(x) be "x is home" on the domain of x is people - Let Q be "The campus is quiet" - `(∀x H(x)) -> Q` --- [1.5 ->](1.5.md)