[\<- 1.8](1.8.md) --- # 2.1 Sets p1 - A **Set** consists of elements, and it is **unordered** - "x∈S" means `x` is an element of 'S' - Note: {a,b,c} = {c,b,a} (order doesn't matter) - Note: {a,b,c} = {a,a,b,b,c,c} (number of occurences doesn't matter) - **Definition**: Let 'S', 'T' be sets. We say 'S' is a **subset** of 'T', and write `S <= T`, if each element `x` of 'S' is also an element of 'T' - To prove `S ≺= T`: 1. Let `x` be an arbitrary element of 'S' 2. Show it follows that x∈T - **Definition**: The set with no elements is called the **empty set**, denoted by Ø or {} - For any set 'S', 1. `Ø ≺= S` (Ø is a subset of 'S') 2. `S ≺= S` ('S' is a subset of 'S') - **Definition**: If a set 'S' has `n` elements with n∈ℤ, `n >= 0`, then 'S' is a **finite set**. We say the **cardinality** of 'S' is `n` and write `|S| = n` - If 'S' is not a finite set, then 'S' is an **infinite set** - `(S = Ø) <-> (|S| = 0)` --- ## Power Sets **Definition**: The **Power Set** of 'S' is the set of all subsets of 'S' and is denoted `Ꝕ(S)` - Ex. Let 'S' = {`a`, `b`, `c`}. Write `Ꝕ(S)` in set notation. - `Ꝕ(s)` = - Ø - {`a`} - {`b`} - {`c`} - {`a`, `b`} - {`a`, `c`} - {`b`, `c`} - {`a`, `b`, `c`} - Notice: all the elements of `Ꝕ(S)` are sets themselves (i.e. {a}∈Ꝕ(S) instead of just `a`) - `|Ꝕ(S)| = 8` - Can create elements of `Ꝕ(S)` with **bit strings** (sequence of 0's and 1's) - Ex. `S = {a, b, c}` ... bit string of length 3 (e.g. 011) - 1st digit: - 1 if a∈subset - 0 if !(a∈subset) - 2nd digit: - 1 if b∈subset - 0 if !(b∈subset) - 3rd digit: - 1 if c∈subset - 0 if !(c∈subset) - **Possible Bit Strings**: - 000 - corresponds to Ø - 100 - corresponds to {`a`} - 010 - 001 - 110 - 101 - 011 - corresponds to {`b`, `c`} - 111 - There are 8 possible bit strings because `2^3` = 8 - This leads to a theorem - **Theorem**: If `|S| = n`, then `|Ꝕ(S)| = 2^n` - **Definition**: Let 'S', 'T' be sets. The **product** of 'S' and 'T' is the set `{(s, t) | s∈S, t∈T}` - (`s`, `t`) = ordered pair - e.g. Let 'S' = {`a`, `b`, `c`} and 'T' = {1, 2}. Then, - `S × T = {(a, 1), (b, 1), (c, 1), (a, 2), (b, 2), (c, 2)}` - Notice: `|S × T|` = `6` = `3 · 2` = `|S| · |T|` - **Theorem**: If `|S| = n` and `|T| = m`, then `|S × T| = nm` - **Note**: (ℝ × ℝ × ℝ) = `{(a,b,c) | a,b,c∈ℝ}` is denoted ℝ^3 - we can similarly define ℝ^n for `n>3` --- [2.2 ->](2.2.md)