[\<- Karnaugh Maps, Prime Implicants](4.md) --- # Additional K-map concepts: solving for 0's and use of don't cares ## Using the 0's in a K-map ### Consider the 0's - Sometimes targeting the 0's yields a lower cost solution - Cost = #gates + #inputs to all gates - Apply the same process of identifying PI's, but use the 0's instead of the 1's - Same as if we created K-map for the inverse of the functnio; call if g (=!f) ### POS example - !f = `!x3*!x4 + !x2*!x3 + x1*x2*x3*x4` - f = `!(!x3*!x4 + !x2*!x3 + x1*x2*x3*x4)` - f = `(x3+x4) * (x2+x3) * (!x1+!x2+!x3+!x4)` ![diagram](5.1.png) --- ## The concept and use of don't cares ### Don't Cares - Sometimes you know certain input combinations can't happen - You "don't care" how the logic handles it (wildcard) - Include in an implicant to give it more coverage => "smaller" product terms ![diagram](5.2.png) --- ## Example of 7-segment display - If you draw an "8" with equal-sized straight lines, there will be 7 such line "segments" - All decimal digits (0-9) can be represented using a subset of these 7 segments - A 7-segment display has 7 inputs, one for each segment - An assertion (1) causes that segment to light - How to convert a 4-bit value, representing a number from 0-9, into the correct 7 controls? ![diagram](5.3.png) --- ## Summary of how to make use of don't cares ### K-maps with don't cares - Our general process is to try to find the largest PIs possible - Use don't cares to create larger PIs - Creates a product term with fewer variables - Applies whether solving for 1's or 0's - A don't care cell does \*not\* make a PI essential