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+[\<- 01/14](
+# Operator Overloading (cont.)
+## Friend Functions
+- A **friend function** is a function that **is not a member function**, but that still has access to the private members of the objects of a class
+- To declare a friend function, the function's prototype is placed in a class definition, preceded by the keyword `friend`
+class point{
+ public:
+ //...
+ friend istream& operator >>(istream& ins, point& target);
+ private:
+ //...
+- Even though the prototypes for friend functions appear in the class definition, **friends are not member functions**
+- Therefore, **it is not activated by a particular object of a class**
+- All of the information that the friend function manipulates must be present in its parameters
+- Friendship may be provided to any function, not just to operator functions
+- Friendship should be limited to functions that are written by the programmer who implements the class
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+class Box{
+ double width;
+ public:
+ friend void printWidth(Box box);
+ void setWidth(double wid) {width = wid;};
+void printWidth(Box box){
+ cout << "Width of box : " << box.width << endl;
+int main(){
+ Box box;
+ box.setWidth(10.0);
+ printWidth(box);
+ return 0;
+# The Standard Template Library (STL) and the Pair Class
+- It is important for you to understand how to build and test your own data structures
+- However, you'll find that a suitable data structure has already been built for you to use in an application
+- In C++, **a variety of container classes**, called the **Standard Template Library (STL)**, are available
+## The Pair Class
+- Each pair object **can hold two pieces of data**
+- Example: integer and a double number; or a char and a bool value; or even a couple of throttles
+#include <utility> //provides the pair class
+using namespace std; //The pair is part of the std namespace
+int main(){
+ pair<int, double> p;
+ p.first = 42; //first is the member variable for the int piece
+ p.second = 9.25; //second is the member variable for the double
+ //...
+template<class T1, class T2>
+struct pair;
+- This class couples together a pair of values, which may be of different types (T1 and T2)
+- The individual values can be accessed through its **public members** `first` and `second`
+- The **data types of these two pieces are specified in the angle brackets**, as part of the object's declaration
+- We'll see more of these angle brackets later. They are called the **template instantiation**
+template<class T1, class T2>
+pair<T1, T2> make_pair(T1 x, T2 y);
+- Constructs a pair of object with its first element set to `x` and its second element set to `y`
+- Example:
+#include <utility> //std::pair
+#include <iostream> //std::cout
+int main(){
+ std::pair<int, int> foo;
+ std::pair<int, int> bar;
+ foo = std::make_pair(1, 2);
+ bar = std::make_pair(0.5, 'B'); //implicit conversion
+ std::cout << "foo: " << foo.first << ", " << foo.second << '\n';
+ std::cout << "bar: " << bar.first << ", " << bar.second << '\n';
+ return 0;
+- Output:
+foo: 1, 2
+bar: 0, 66
+- Note: 66 is the decimal ASCII number of 'B'
+- Another Example:
+#include <utility> //std::pair, std::make_pair
+#include <string> //std::string
+#include <iostream> //std::cout
+int main(){
+ std::pair<std::string, int> university, myuniversity;
+ university = std::make_pair("SCU", 95053);
+ myuniversity = university;
+ std::cout << "My University: " << myuniversity.first << '\n';
+ std::cout << "My University Zip: " << myuniversity.second << '\n';
+ return 0;
+- Output:
+My University: SCU
+My University Zip: 95053
+# Summary
+- Object-oriented programming (OOP) supports **information hiding** by placing data in packages called **objects**
+- Objects are implemented via **classes**
+- **Member functions** enable the manipulation of objects
+- An **Abstract Data Type (ADT)/data structure/class:** A new data type, together with the functions to manipulate the type
+ - The term **abstract** refers to the fact that we emphasize the abstract specification of **what has been provided, disassociated from any actual implementation**
+- Information hiding is provided by **private** member variables
+- Declaring a function as a **friend function** enables access to private members
+- A **constructor** is a member function that is automatically called to initialize a data structure
+- Using **namespace** avoids conflicts between different items with the same name
+- **Header file** includes documentation and class definition
+- **Implementation file** includes the implementation of the member functions
+- C++ provides three common kinds of parameters: **value parameters, reference parameters, const reference parameters**
+- C++ allow you to **overload operators** for your new data structures
+- Many built-in classes are provided by the **Standard Template Library**
+# Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++
+## Container Classes
+- A **container class** is a data type that is capable of holding a collection of items
+### Bags
+- For the first example, think about a bag
+- Inside the bag are some numbers
+### Summary of the Bag Operations
+1. A bag can be put in its **initial state**, which is an empty bag
+2. Numbers can be **inserted** into the bag
+3. You may check how many **occurences** of a certain number are in the bag
+4. Numbers can be **removed** from the bag
+5. You can check **how many** numbers are in the bag
+### The Bag Class
+- C++ classes can be used to implement a container class such as a bag
+- The class definition includes:
+ - The heading of the definition
+ - A constructor prototype
+ - Prototypes for public member functions
+ - Private member variables
+class bag{
+ public:
+ bag();
+ void insert(...);
+ void remove(...);
+ ...and so on
+ private:
+ We'll look at private members later
+### Using the Bag in a Program
+- Here is typical code from a program that uses the new bag class:
+bag ages;
+//Record the ages of three children
+### The Header File and Implementation File
+- The programmer who writes the new bag class must write two files:
+ - `bag1.hxx`, a header file that contains documentation and the class definition
+ - `bag1.cxx`, an implementation file that contains the implementations of the bag's member functions
+### Documentation for the Bag Class
+- The documentation gives **prototypes and specifications** for the bag member functions
+- Specifications are written as **precondition/postcondition** contracts
+- Everything needed to **use** the bag class is included in this comment
+### The Bag's Class Definition
+- After the documentation, the header file has the class definition that we've seen before
+### The Implementation File
+- As with any class, the actual definitions of the member functions are placed in a separate implementation file
+- The **definitions** of the bag's member functions are in `bag1.cxx`
+### Implementation Details
+- The entries of a bag will be stored in the front part of an array, as shown in this example
+|4 |8 |4 | | |
+- We also need to keep track of how many numbers are in the bag
+ - An integer to keep track of the bag's size: `int size`
+### Bag: Private Members (1st Try)
+- One Solution:
+class bag{
+ public:
+ ...
+ private:
+ int data[20];
+ size_t count;
+- `size_t` is a non-negative integer, defined at the machine level
+### An Example of Calling Insert
+void bag::insert(int new_entry)
+- Before calling insert, we might have this bag b:
+ - `b.count: 2`
+ - ` `
+|8 |4 | | |
+### Bag: Private Members (2nd Try)
+- A more flexible solution:
+class bag{
+ public:
+ static const size_t CAPACITY = 20;
+ private:
+ int data[CAPACITY];
+ size_t count;
+### An Example of Calling Insert
+- We make a function call `b.insert(17)`
+ - What values will be in `` and `b.count` after the member function finishes?
+ - After calling `b.insert(17)`, we will have this bag b:
+ - `b.count: 3`
+ - ` `
+|8 |4 |17 | |
+### Pseudocode for bag::insert
+1. `assert(size() < CAPACITY);`
+2. Place `new_entry` in the appropriate location of the data array
+3. Add one to the member variable count
+data[count] = new_entry;
+data[count++] = new_entry;
+### Other Kinds of Bags
+- In this example, we have implemented a bag containing **integers**
+- But we could have had a bag of **float numbers**, a bag of **characters**, a bag of **strings**...
+### A typedef for value_type
+- Instead of forcing the bag to always include integers, we use the name `value_type` for the data type of the items in a bag
+class bag{
+ public:
+ typedef int value_type;
+ ...
+- Bag functions can use the name `value_type` as a synonym for the data type `int`
+- Other functions, which are not bag member functions, can use the name `bag::value_type` as the type of the items in a bag
+### Implementation: A typedef for size_type
+- In addition to the `value_type`, our bag defines another data type that can be used for variables that keep track of how many items are in a bag
+- This type will be called `size_type`, with its definition near the top of the bag class definition:
+class <Name of the class>{
+ public:
+ typedef <A data type such as int or double> <A new name>;
+ typedef <an integer type of some kind> size_type;
+ ...
+### Specification - The std::size_t Data Type
+- The data type `size_t` is an integer data type that can **hold only non-negative numbers**
+- C++ implementation guarantees that the values of the `size_t` type are sufficient to hold the size of any variable that can be declared on your machine
+class bag{
+ public:
+ typedef int value_type;
+ typedef std::size_t size_type;
+ ...
+- To use `size_t` in a header file, we must include `cstdlib` and use the full name `std::size_t`
+- The actual size of `size_t` is platform-dependent: On 32-bit and 64-bit systems `size_t` will take 32 and 64 bits, respectively
+### The Header File and Implementation File
+- The programmer who writes the new bag class must write two files:
+ - `bag1.hpp`, a header file that contains documentation and the class definition
+ - `bag1.cxx`, an implementation file that contains the implementations of the bag's member functions
+//FILE: bag1.h
+//CLASS PROVIDED: bag (part of the namespace scu_coen79_3)
+//TYPEDEF and MEMBER CONSTANTS for the bag class:
+//typedef int value_type
+//bag::value_type is the data type of the items in the bag. It may be any of the C++ built-in types (int, char, etc.), or a class with a default constructor, an assignment operator, and operators to test for equality (x == y) and non-equality (x != y)
+//typedef size_t size_type
+//bag::size_type is the data type of any variable that keeps track of how many items are in a bag
+//static const size_type CAPACITY = 20
+//bag::CAPACITY is the maximum number of items that a bag can hold
+//CONSTRUCTOR for the bag class:
+//Postcondition: The bag has been initialized as an empty bag
+//size_type erase(const value_type& target);
+//Postcondition: All copies of target have been removed from the bag
+//Postcondition: The return value is the number of copies removed (which could be zero)
+//bool erase_one(const value_type& target)
+//Postcondition: If target was in the bag, then one copy has been removed; otherwise the bag is unchanged
+//Postcondition: A true return value indicates that one copy was removed; false indicates that nothing was removed
+//void insert(const value_type& entry)
+//Precondition: size() < CAPACITY
+//Postcondition: A new copy of entry has been added to the bag
+//void operator +=(const bag& addend)
+//Precondition: size() + addend.size() <= CAPACITY
+//Postcondition: Each item in addend has been added to this bag
+//CONSTANT MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the bag class:
+//size_type size() const
+//Postcondition: The return value is the total number of items in the bag
+//size_type count(const value_type& target) const
+//Postcondition: The return value is number of times target is in the bag
+//NONMEMBER FUNCTIONS for the bag class:
+//bag operator +(const bag& b1, const bag& b2)
+//Precondition: b1.size() + b2.size() <= bag::CAPACITY
+//Postcondition: The bag returned is the union of b1 and b2
+//VALUE SEMANTICS for the bag class:
+//Assignments and the copy constructor may be used with bag objects
+### The Invariant of a Class
+- We need to state **how the member variables of the bag class are used** to represent a bag of items
+- There are two rules for our bag implementation
+ - The number of items in the bag is stored in the member variable `used`
+ - For an empty bag, we do not care what is stored in any of `data`; for a non-empty bag, the items in the bag are stored in `data[0]` through `data[used-1]`, and we don't care what is stored in the rest of data
+- The rules that dictate how the member variables of a class represent a value (such as a bag of items) are called the **invariant** of the class
+- With the exception of the constructors, each function depends on the invariant being valid when the function is called
+- Check out the wikipedia article on class invariant
+### += Operator
+void bag::operator +=(const bag& addend){
+ size_type i; //an array index
+ assert(size() + addend.size() <= CAPACITY);
+ for(i = 0; i < addend.used; ++i){
+ data[used] =[i];
+ ++used;
+ }
+- If we activate `b+=b` then the private member variable used is the same variable as `addend.used`
+- Each iteration of the loop adds 1 to `used`, and hence `addend.used` is also increasing, and the loop never ends
+- What is the solution?
+### += Correct Implementation
+- The implementation uses the `copy` function from the `<algorithm>` Standard Library
+void bag::operator +=(const bag& addend){
+ assert(size() + addend.size() <= CAPACITY);
+ copy(, + addend.used, data + used);
+ used += addend.used;
+### Time Analysis for the Bag Functions
+|Operation |Time Analysis |
+|Default constructor|O(1) (Constant time) |
+|count |O(n) (n is the size of the bag) |
+|erase_one |O(n) (Linear time) |
+|erase |O(n) (Linear time) |
+|+= another bag |O(n) (n is the size of the other bag) |
+|b1 + b2 |O(n1 + n2) (n1 and n2 are the sizes of the bags)|
+|insert |O(1) (Constant time) |
+|size |O(1) (Constant time) |
+- `erase_one` sometimes requires fewer than n x (number of statements in the loop); however, this does not change the fact that the function is O(n)
+ - In the worst case, the loop does execute a full `n` iterations, therefore the correct time analysis is no better than O(n)
+- Several of the other bag functions do not contain any loops at all, and do not call any functions with loops
+ - Example, when an item is added to a bag, the new item is always placed at the end of the array
+## Summary
+- A **container class** is a class where each object contains a collection of items
+ - Examples: Bags and sequences classes
+- `typedef` statement makes it easy to alter the data type of the underlying items
+- The simplest implementations of container classes use a **partially filled array**, which requires each object to have at least two member variables:
+ - The array
+ - A variable to keep track of how much of the array is being used
+- At the top of the implementation file: When you design a class, always make an explicit statement of the rules (**invariant of the class**) that dictate how the member variables are used