"; $name = empty($_REQUEST['add_class_desc']) ? "" : $_REQUEST['add_class_desc']; $code = empty($_REQUEST['add_class_id']) ? "" : $_REQUEST['add_class_id']; $location = empty($_REQUEST['add_class_location']) ? "left" : $_REQUEST['add_class_location']; $link = empty($_REQUEST['add_class_link']) ? "" : $_REQUEST['add_class_link']; if(!$code) print "Missing inputs
"; else{ $location = $location == "left" ? 0 : 1; $name = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $name); $code = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $code); //$location = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $location); $link = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $link); $q = "INSERT INTO Classes (Name, Code, Location, Link) VALUES ('$name', '$code', '$location', '$link')"; if(!mysqli_query($db, $q)) print "$q
Insertion Failed: " . mysqli_error($db) . "
"; } } */ $day = date("l, F jS"); $bg_image_arr = array("rubber_duck_PNG33.png", "dice.png"); function entry($due_date, $desc, $color, $highlight, $done){ if($due_date != "ASAP" && $due_date != ""){ $due_date_pieces = explode(" ", $due_date); $due_date_num = date('z', mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($due_date_pieces[1], 0, 2), substr($due_date_pieces[1], 3, 2), date('Y'))); if($due_date_num - date('z') <= 1 && $color != "black" && $color != "brown") $color = "red"; if((!$done && ($due_date_num - date('z') <= 0)) || ($highlight == "orange" && ($due_date_num - date('z') <= 7))) $highlight = "yellow"; } if($highlight != "none" && $color == "gray") $color = "black"; if($done){ $color = "green"; $highlight = "none"; } print "
  • "; if($done) print ""; // "✅"; print ""; print ($due_date != "" ? "$due_date: " : "") . "$desc"; print ""; print "
  • "; } /* Conceptual ** class Entry{ public static $num_hw = 0; public static $hw_strings = []; //$hw_string[0] = HW description //$hw_string[1] = HW due Date (0 to 365) function add_hw(){ $hw_string[] = readline("What is the HW?\n"); $days_til_due = readline("In how many days is the HW due?\n"); $hw_strings[] = $days_til_due + date('z'); $num_hw++; } } function list_hw($entry){ if(!$entry->num_hw){ print "The test is have work"; return; } else{ print ""; } return; } $ENGL2A = new Entry(); $MATH13 = new Entry(); $COEN11 = new Entry(); $PHYS31 = new Entry(); $COEN11L = new Entry(); $ENGR1 = new Entry(); $PHYS31L = new Entry(); $ENGL2A->add_hw(); print "TEST: num_hw = $ENGL2A->num_hw"; */ ?> Daily Homework Schedule