# Dash Docset Builder This is a repository providing sources building various Dash docsets using a Makefile. Supported docsets can be found under `./src/configs`. Simply pass the name of the docset as a target for the Makefile (e.g., `make GNU_Make`). ### Documentation ``` Usage: make DOCSET_NAME [BUILD_DIR=...] DOCSET_NAME must be a directory under ./src/configs. BUILD_DIR can be set to a directory to build under. The default is ./build Other possible targets: archive - create .tgz archives for all docsets in BUILD_DIR clean - remove all docsets and .tgz archives from BUILD_DIR $(BUILD_DIR)/$(DOCSET_NAME).docset - equivalent to DOCSET_NAME $(BUILD_DIR)/$(DOCSET_NAME).tgz - create a .tgz archive of DOCSET_NAME ``` ### Project Structure ``` . ├── src │   ├── configs - supported docsets, including metadata and build scripts │   └── scripts - general purpose scripts └── tmp - intermediate sources (e.g., upstream sources are downloaded to here) ```