#!/bin/sh if [ -z $1 ]; then echo "Error: Missing package name" echo "Usage: pkg-screenshot.sh [options] package" fi case $1 in #if [[ $1 == "-h" || $1 == "--help" ]]; then -h|--help) echo "Usage: pkg-screenshot.sh [options] package" echo "" echo " -h, --help give this help list" echo " --no-download Open the image URL instead of saving an image file in /tmp/" ;; #elif [ $1 != "--no-download" ]; then --no-download) URL=`wget -qO- https://screenshots.debian.net/json/package/$2 | jq '.screenshots[0].large_image_url' | tr -d \"` xdg-open $URL ;; #else *) URL=`wget -qO- https://screenshots.debian.net/json/package/$1 | jq '.screenshots[0].large_image_url' | tr -d \"` EXTENSION=`echo $URL | rev | cut -d . -f 1 | rev` wget -qO /tmp/pkg-screenshot.$EXTENSION $URL xdg-open /tmp/pkg-screenshot.$EXTENSION ;; esac