#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use DBI; use Audio::Scan; use File::HomeDir; # Keep track of columns that need to be created in the database our %columns; # Variables to be set by user (TODO) our $music_dir = File::HomeDir->my_home . "/Music/"; our $dbname = "library.db"; our $table_name = "LIBRARY"; our %extensions = ( flac => '1', mp3 => '1', ogg => '1' ); my $data; #Hold info from Audio::Scan my $statement; #Hold statements for sqlite # Wrapper to handle sqlite commands # @_[0] -> database handle # @_[1] -> command/statement # @_[2] (optional) -> output statement sub db_cmd { my $rv = $_[0]->do($_[1]); if ($rv < 0){ die $DBI::errstr; } if (defined $_[2]){ print "$_[2]\n"; } } # Scan a directory recursively, return an array of files (optionally, matching a certain file extension or extensions) # @_[0] -> $music_dir # @_[1] -> hash of file extensions to scan for sub get_files { my @file_list; my @file_split; # Remove extra /'s from the end of $_[0] $_[0] =~ s/\/+$//g; my $dir_path = $_[0]; my $extensions = $_[1]; opendir my $dh, "$dir_path" or die "$!"; while (my $file = readdir($dh)) { # Skip . and .. directories if ($file eq "." or $file eq ".."){ next; } if (-d "$dir_path/$file"){ push(@file_list, get_files("$dir_path/$file", %extensions)); } elsif (-f "$dir_path/$file" and -r "$dir_path/$file"){ # Check that the extension matches @file_split = split /\./, "$dir_path/$file"; if (defined $extensions{"$file_split[-1]"} and $extensions{"$file_split[-1]"} == 1){ push(@file_list, "$dir_path/$file"); } } } closedir $dh; return @file_list; } # Test scan for Audio::Scan module sub scan_test { my $data = Audio::Scan->scan("/home/louie/Music/Bjork/Debut/01 Human Behaviour.flac"); $data = $data->{tags}; for (keys %$data){ print "$_ -> $data->{$_}\n"; } } # TODO parse flags and arguments # Test to ensure $music_dir is a valid directory if (! -d $music_dir){ die "Error: \"$music_dir\" is not a directory\n"; } # Get a list of files in $music_dir print "Looking through files in $music_dir\n"; my @file_list = get_files($music_dir, %extensions); # DEBUG for my $i (sort @file_list){ print "$i\n"; } # Append tags to %columns for my $file (@file_list){ $data = Audio::Scan->scan("$file"); $data = $data->{tags}; for my $i (keys %$data){ $columns{$i} = '1'; } } # DEBUG for my $i (keys %columns){ print "$i\n"; } # Connect to sqlite database created in the base of $music_dir my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:SQLite:dbname=$music_dir/$dbname", "", "", { RaiseError => 1}) or die $DBI::errstr; print "Opened database successfully\n"; # Create table in the database $statement = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (ID INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL);"; db_cmd($dbh, $statement, "Created table successfully"); # Get tags for each file #for my $file (sort @file_list){ # $data = Audio::Scan->scan("$file"); # $data = $data->{tags}; # for my $i (keys %$data){ # print "$i -> $data->{$i}\n"; # } #} # Disconnect from sqlite database $dbh->disconnect();