## Introduction **Terminal Media Launcher** is a command line utility to help streamline launching applications and other media. The goal of tml is to provide a fast, minimal, command line frontend with a Unix-like approach to setup and configuration. The program looks for a configuration file listing different groups of media and creates an ncurses menu from which to select from. If a configuration file is found, the program will draw two columns: one for groups, and one for entries. At the bottom of the window, a preview of the command execution is displayed. ## Compiling and Running tml can be compiled on any system with make, gcc, and the ncurses library (libncurses-dev) installed. It has been tested to work on Ubuntu, and can also be compiled and run on Windows 10, but is designed with Linux in mind. To compile and run tml: 1. Clone the repository 2. Run `make` in the directory the repository was cloned into. This will create a file called `tml` 3. `./tml` to run the program Note that tml will not run until you have created a configuration file. ### Installation tml can be installed by running: ``` sudo make install ``` This will install `tml` to `/usr/local/bin/tml` as well as man pages `tml` and `tml-config`. To uninstall these files: ``` sudo make uninstall ``` ## Screenshots ![screenshot 1](screenshot1.png) ![screenshot 2](screenshot2.png) ## Configuration File By default, tml searches in the following order for a configuration file: 1. `$HOME/.config/tml/config` 2. `$HOME/.tml/config` 3. `config` (in the current directory) A different configuration file location can also be specified with the `-c` flag: ``` tml -c /path/to/config ``` For Documentation of the configuration file, see [tml-config](tml-config.md). If you installed tml, you can also consult **tml**(1) and **tml-config**(5).