#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../include/read_cfg.h" #include "../include/entry.h" char sep = '/'; char *find_config(){ char *home = getenv("HOME"); char *path = malloc(sizeof(char) * BUF_LEN); char choices[2][BUF_LEN]; int check_count = 2; int i; sprintf(choices[0], "%s%c.config%cterminal-media-launcher%cconfig.lua", home, sep, sep, sep); sprintf(choices[1], "%s%c.terminal-media-launcher%cconfig.lua", home, sep, sep); for(i = 0; i < check_count; i++){ strcpy(path, choices[i]); printf("Checking for config at %s: ", choices[i]); if(access(path, R_OK) == 0){ printf("Using config \"%s\"\n\n", path); return path; } else printf("File does not exist\n"); } mkconfig_wizard(choices[0]); strcpy(path, choices[0]); return path; } void mkconfig_wizard(char *path){ char input; FILE *fp; char *home = getenv("HOME"); printf("\nNo configuration file found. Auto-generate one now at \"%s\"? [Y/n] ", path); fflush(stdout); scanf(" %c", &input); if(input == 'n'){ printf("Configuration will not be auto-generated\n"); refer_to_doc(); exit(0); } printf("Generating configuration file at \"%s\"...\n", path); //ensure directories have been created if(home == NULL){ printf("Failed: HOME is NULL\n"); exit(1); } sprintf(path, "%s%c.config%c", home, sep, sep); mkdir(path, 0755); sprintf(path, "%s%c.config%cterminal-media-launcher%c", home, sep, sep, sep); mkdir(path, 0755); sprintf(path, "%s%c.config%cterminal-media-launcher%cconfig.lua", home, sep, sep, sep); //open file for writing, make sure non-NULL fp = fopen(path, "w"); if(fp == NULL){ printf("Failed: \"%s\" could not be open for writing\n", path); exit(1); } fprintf(fp, "-- This file was auto-generated by terminal-media-launcher. See docs/terminal-media-launcher-config.md or terminal-media-launcher-config(5) for documentation\n" "-- The default launcher is set to \"xdg-open\" which will open files based on the relevant default application set through xdg\n\n" "local lfs = require \"lfs\"\n" "\n" "local function addGroup(name, launcher, flags)\n" " assert(type(name) == \"string\")\n" "\n" " -- create Groups table if needed\n" " if Groups == nil then\n" " Groups = {}\n" " end\n" "\n" " local new_group = {}\n" " new_group.name = name\n" " new_group.Entries = {}\n" " if launcher ~= nil then\n" " new_group.Launcher = launcher\n" " end\n" " if flags ~= nil then\n" " new_group.Flags = flags\n" " end\n" "\n" " table.insert(Groups, new_group)\n" " return new_group\n" "end\n" "\n" "local function addEntries(parentGroup, startDir, filePattern, recursive)\n" " -- recursive arg is a boolean for whether or not to descend into subdirectories (false by default)\n" " assert(type(parentGroup) == \"table\")\n" " assert(type(parentGroup.Entries) == \"table\")\n" " assert(type(startDir) == \"string\")\n" " assert(type(filePattern) == \"string\")\n" "\n" " for file in lfs.dir(startDir) do\n" " local fullFilePath = startDir .. \"/\" .. file\n" " if file ~= \".\" and file ~= \"..\" then\n" " -- descend into subdirectory if recursive is set to true\n" " if lfs.attributes(fullFilePath).mode == \"directory\" and recursive == true then\n" " addEntries(parentGroup, fullFilePath, filePattern, recursive)\n" " elseif lfs.attributes(fullFilePath).mode == \"file\" then\n" " if string.match(file, filePattern) then\n" " table.insert(parentGroup.Entries, {\n" " name = file,\n" " path = '\"' .. fullFilePath .. '\"'\n" " })\n" " end\n" " end\n" " end\n" " end\n" "end\n" "\n" "local music = addGroup(\"Music\", \"xdg-open\")\n" "addEntries(music, os.getenv(\"HOME\") .. \"/Music\", \".*\", true)\n" "\n" "local pictures = addGroup(\"Pictures\", \"xdg-open\")\n" "addEntries(pictures, os.getenv(\"HOME\") .. \"/Pictures\", \".*\", true)\n" "\n" "local videos = addGroup(\"Videos\", \"xdg-open\")\n" "addEntries(videos, os.getenv(\"HOME\") .. \"/Videos\", \".*\", true)\n"); fclose(fp); printf("done\nIt is highly recommended to further tweak the configuration file! [press any key to continue]"); fflush(stdout); getchar(); getchar(); return; }