#include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "tower.h" #include "ring.h" #define TERMINAL_MIN_HEIGHT 14 #define TERMINAL_MIN_WIDTH 39 bool check_terminal(); void draw_title(); void draw_body(); void draw_tower(int ring_index, int startx, int starty); void draw_move_count(); void input_loop(); WINDOW *wmain; WINDOW *wbody; Ring rings[3]; Ring *held = NULL; Tower towers[3]; int hover = 0; // initially, hover over the leftmost tower int move_count = 0; int main() { int i; // initialize rings strcpy(rings[0].ascii, " ======= "); strcpy(rings[1].ascii, " ===== "); strcpy(rings[2].ascii, " === "); for(i = 2; i >= 0; --i) { rings[i].size = i; rings[i].location = 0; rings[i].held = false; } // initialize towers memset(towers[0].rings, true, 3); memset(towers[1].rings, false, 3); memset(towers[2].rings, false, 3); wmain = initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); curs_set(0); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); // check that the terminal can handle the program if(check_terminal()) { // draw title draw_title(); refresh(); // draw body wbody = newwin(12, getmaxx(wmain), getmaxy(wmain)/2 - 6, 0); draw_body(); wrefresh(wbody); input_loop(); } endwin(); return 0; } bool check_terminal() { // check that terminal is big enough if(getmaxx(wmain) < TERMINAL_MIN_WIDTH) return false; if(getmaxy(wmain) < TERMINAL_MIN_HEIGHT) return false; return true; } void draw_title() { move(0, getmaxx(wmain)/2 - strlen(TITLE)/2); printw(TITLE); } void draw_body() { werase(wbody); draw_tower(0, getmaxx(wbody)/4 - 4, 8); draw_tower(1, getmaxx(wbody)/2 - 4, 8); draw_tower(2, 3*getmaxx(wbody)/4 - 4, 8); draw_move_count(); // FIXME placeholder implementation /* mvprintw(1, 0, " ^ "); mvprintw(getcury(wmain)+1, 0, " | "); mvprintw(getcury(wmain)+1, 0, " | "); mvprintw(getcury(wmain)+1, 0, " | "); mvprintw(getcury(wmain)+1, 0, " | "); mvprintw(getcury(wmain)+1, 0, "---------"); mvprintw(1, 10, " ^ "); mvprintw(getcury(wmain)+1, 10, " | "); mvprintw(getcury(wmain)+1, 10, " === "); mvprintw(getcury(wmain)+1, 10, " ===== "); mvprintw(getcury(wmain)+1, 10, " ======= "); mvprintw(getcury(wmain)+1, 10, "---------"); */ // DEBUG if(DEBUG) { mvprintw(0, 0, "tower 1: %c %c %c", (towers[0].rings[0] ? 'X' : '_'), (towers[0].rings[1] ? 'X' : '_'), (towers[0].rings[2] ? 'X' : '_')); mvprintw(1, 0, "tower 2: %c %c %c", (towers[1].rings[0] ? 'X' : '_'), (towers[1].rings[1] ? 'X' : '_'), (towers[1].rings[2] ? 'X' : '_')); mvprintw(2, 0, "tower 3: %c %c %c", (towers[2].rings[0] ? 'X' : '_'), (towers[2].rings[1] ? 'X' : '_'), (towers[2].rings[2] ? 'X' : '_')); mvprintw(3, 0, "ring 1:"); mvprintw(4, 2, "location: %d", rings[0].location); mvprintw(5, 2, "held: %d", rings[0].held); mvprintw(6, 2, "size: %d", rings[0].size); mvprintw(7, 2, "ascii: %s", rings[0].ascii); mvprintw(8, 0, "ring 2:"); mvprintw(9, 2, "location: %d", rings[1].location); mvprintw(10, 2, "held: %d", rings[1].held); mvprintw(11, 2, "size: %d", rings[1].size); mvprintw(12, 2, "ascii: %s", rings[1].ascii); mvprintw(13, 0, "ring 3:"); mvprintw(14, 2, "location: %d", rings[2].location); mvprintw(15, 2, "held: %d", rings[2].held); mvprintw(16, 2, "size: %d", rings[2].size); mvprintw(17, 2, "ascii: %s", rings[2].ascii); } } void draw_tower(int ring_index, int startx, int starty) { int count; int i; // turn on bold attribute if tower is on hover if(ring_index == hover) wattron(wbody, A_BOLD); count = 4; mvwprintw(wbody, starty, startx, "---------"); for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if(towers[ring_index].rings[i] && !rings[i].held) { mvwprintw(wbody, getcury(wbody)-1, startx, rings[i].ascii); --count; } } while(count > 0) { mvwprintw(wbody, getcury(wbody)-1, startx, " | "); --count; } mvwprintw(wbody, getcury(wbody)-1, startx, " ^ "); // draw held ring above the others if(held != NULL && held->location == ring_index) { mvwprintw(wbody, getcury(wbody)-2, startx, held->ascii); } wattroff(wbody, A_BOLD); } void draw_move_count() { // tried to use log10, but this created weird problems int local_move_count = move_count; int count_length = 1; while(local_move_count >= 10) { local_move_count /= 10; ++count_length; } mvwprintw(wbody, 10, getmaxx(wbody)/2 - (7 + count_length)/2, "moves: %d", move_count); } void input_loop() { int input = 0; while(input != 'q') { input = getch(); switch(input) { case KEY_RIGHT: hover_move_right(); draw_body(); wrefresh(wbody); break; case KEY_LEFT: hover_move_left(); draw_body(); wrefresh(wbody); break; // pickup a ring case ' ': // spacebar if(held == NULL) { pickup_ring(); if(held != NULL) ++move_count; draw_body(); wrefresh(wbody); } else { if(drop_ring()) { draw_body(); wrefresh(wbody); } } break; } } }