var onOff = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] , dice = { vals:[0,0,0,0,0], holds:[0,0,0,0,0], hold_func:function(n){ dice.holds[n] = !dice.holds[n]; document.getElementById(`hold${n}`).innerHTML= (dice.holds[n]? "
":' ') console.log(dice.holds); }, rand:function(){ return Math.ceil(Math.random()*6); }, render_dice:function(dont_shuffle){ let out = ''; for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){ dice.vals[i] = dice.holds[i] || dont_shuffle ? dice.vals[i] : dice.rand(); out += `
` + (dice.holds[i]? "
":' ') + `
`; } document.getElementsByClassName('dice_display')[0].innerHTML = out; } } function write_round(start, len){ dice.render_dice(); var rl_arr=[ 'Aces', 'Twos', 'Threes', 'Fours', 'Fives', 'Sixes', '3 of a Kind', '4 of a Kind', 'Full House', 'Small Straight', 'Large Straight', 'Yahtzee', 'Chance' ], r_array = [ `Roll for ones. You score the sum of each 'one' after your third roll.`, `Roll for twos. You score the sum of each 'two' after your third roll, where each two is worth two points.`, `Roll for threes. You score the sum of each 'three' after your third roll, where each three is worth three points.`, `Roll for fours. You score the sum of each 'four' after your third roll, where each four is worth four points.`, `Roll for fives. You score the sum of each 'five' after your third roll, where each five is worth five points.`, `Roll for sixes. You score the sum of each 'six' after your third roll, where each six is worth six points.`, `Roll to get three of the same dice. If you have 3 of a kind at the end of your third roll, you score the sum of all dice. Otherwise no points are earned.`, `Roll to get four of the same dice. If you have 4 of a kind at the end of your third roll, you score the sum of all dice. Otherwise no points are earned.`, `Roll to get three of one number dice and two of another (ex. 2 2 5 2 5). If a full house is achieved at the end of your third roll, you score 25 points. Otherwise no points are earned.`, `Roll to get a sequence of four dice (ex. 5 2 4 3 3). If a small straight is achieved at the end of your third roll, you score 30 points. Otherwise no points are earned.`, `Roll to get a sequence of five dice (ex. 1 4 2 5 3). If a large straight is achieved at the end of your third roll, you score 40 points. Otherwise no points are earned.`, `Roll to get all five of the same dice. If you have a yahtzee at the end of your third roll, you score 50 points and get the opportunity at the end of the game to score another Yahtzee, called Yahtzee Bonus. If a Yahtzee Bonus is earned, you will score 100 points`, `Roll for high numbers. At the end of your third roll, you will score the sum of your dice.` ]; let out = ''; for(var i = start; i < len+start; i++){ out += `
` + rl_arr[i] + `v
`; } return out; } function make_head(header){ return ` ${header} `; } document.getElementById('round_list').innerHTML = write_round(0, 6); document.getElementById('round_list2').innerHTML = write_round(6, 7); document.getElementsByClassName('shifted_head')[0].innerHTML = make_head("How to Play Yahtzee"); function rule_show(occ) { document.getElementsByClassName('rule_show')[occ].style.display=(onOff[occ]?'none':'block'); onOff[occ]=!onOff[occ]; } /*setInterval(()=>{ document.querySelectorAll('.small_dice').forEach( i => { i.src=dice.rand() } ) },4250); */ /* javascript is very new; it got some kick ass short hand and tricks no other language got yet. for example, the " " or ' ' or ` ` setTimeout( function(){} , 250) <-- what function to call after 250 miliSeconds setTimeout( ()=>{} , 250) <-- instead of "function()" you can type "()=>" function (a,b) { return a+b } (a,b)=>a+b <-- auto return the function body if it is NOT serrounding with a curly ; similar to the ( logic ? return-when-true : return-when-false ) */