$text "; } function display_dice_practice(){ $out = ''; for($i=1; $i<=5; $i++){ $see = ""; $shuffle = dice_rand(); if(isset($_GET["dice$i"]) && isset($_GET["held$i"]) && $_GET["dice$i"] == 'on'){ // isset(): exists? , empty() not set or the value is falsey like 0 or empty string $see = 'checked'; $shuffle = $_GET["held$i"]; } $out .= "
\n"; } return $out; } function display_dice(){ $out=''; if(!$_GET["score21"]){ for($i=1; $i<=5; $i++){ $see = ""; $shuffle = dice_rand(); $show = ""; $Aces = ""; if($_GET["dice$i"] == 'on'){ $see = 'checked'; $shuffle = $_GET["held$i"]; } if(empty($_GET["roll_num"])) { $see = ""; $show = "style=opacity:0;"; } $out .= "
\n"; } } else { $out .= "
Thanks for Playing!
Your Final Score: " . $_GET['score21'] . "
Click Here to Play Again Click Here to Go Back
"; } return $out; } function roll_num(){ return (empty($_GET["roll_num"])?"style=color:orange;":""); } function show_roll(){ return (isset($_GET["roll_num"]) && $_GET["roll_num"] == 3 ? "style=opacity:0":""); } function next_level(){ $roll = $_GET["roll_num"]+1; $round = $_GET["round_num"]; if($roll > 3){ $roll = 0; $round = $_GET["round_num"]+1; } return "\n" . ""; } function total_upper(){ $ret = 0; for($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++){ (is_numeric($_GET["score$i"])?$ret += $_GET["score$i"]:0); } return $ret; } function bonus_bool(){ return (isset($_GET["score7"]) && $_GET["score7"] >= 63 ? 35:0); } function oak($num_of_kind,&$dice_number){ $ret=0; for($n = 1; $n <= 6; $n++) if ($n!=$dice_number) { // n is the dice number I am chekcing, like "5" $count = 0; for($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++){ // how many "5"s I have if($_GET["held$i"] == "$n.png") $count++; } if($count >= $num_of_kind) { $dice_number = $n; $n=99; } } if($n>20){ for($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) $ret += substr($_GET["held$i"], 0, 1); } return $ret; } function is_full_house(){ $dn=0; if (oak(3,$dn)){ if(oak(2,$dn)) return 25; } return 0; } function straight($size){ $str = ""; $count = 0; $p = 0; for($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++){ $str .= substr($_GET["held$i"], 0, 1); } for($a = 4+($size-4); $a <= 6; $a++){ $count = 0; for($b = $a-3-($size-4); $b <= $a; $b++){ if((strpos($str, (string)$b)) !== False) $count++; } if($count >= $size){ $p = 30+(($size-4)*10); break; } } return $p; } function Chance(){ $sum = 0; for($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++){ (is_numeric(substr($_GET["held$i"], 0, 1))? $sum += substr($_GET["held$i"], 0, 1):0); } return $sum; } function Yahtzee(){ $x3 = 10; return ((oak(5,$x3)) ? 50:0); } function y_bonus(){ return (Yahtzee() > 0 ? "✓":"test"); } function total_lower(){ $ret = 0; for($i = 10; $i <= 18; $i++){ (is_numeric($_GET["score$i"])?$ret += $_GET["score$i"]:0); } return $ret; } function calc_score(){ $score = ""; ////array for scoring procedures//// $x1 = 0; $x2 = 9; $cont = 0; $scoring_array = [oak(3,$x1), oak(4,$x2), is_full_house(), straight(4), straight(5), Yahtzee(), Chance()]; if($_GET["score15"]){ $cont++; } $points = []; for($a = 1; $a <= 21+$cont; $a++){ $points[$a] = $_GET["score$a"]; if($a <= 6) { if(($_GET["roll_num"] == 0) && ($_GET["round_num"] == $a)){ $points[$a] = 0; for($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++){ if($_GET["held$i"] == "$a.png") $points[$a] += $a; } } } elseif($_GET["round_num"] > 13){ if($cont && ($_GET["roll_num"] == 0)){ $points[17] = y_bonus(); $points[18] = Yahtzee()*2; } } if($_GET["round_num"] >= 13+$cont){ $points[19] = $points[9]; $points[20] = total_lower(); $points[21] = $points[9] + $points[20]; } if($a > 9 && $a < 17){ if(($_GET["roll_num"] == 0) && ($_GET["round_num"] == $a-3)){ $points[$a] = $scoring_array[$a-10]; } } elseif($_GET["round_num"] >= 6){ $points[7] = total_upper(); $points[8] = bonus_bool(); $points[9] = total_upper() + bonus_bool(); } $score .= "\n"; $_GET["score$a"]=$points[$a]; } return $score; } function create_scoreboard(){ $round_val = ['UPPER SECTION', 'Aces', 'Twos', 'Threes', 'Fours', 'Fives', 'Sixes', 'TOTAL SCORE', 'BONUS', 'TOTAL', '3 of a Kind', '4 of a Kind', 'Full House', 'Small Straight', 'Large Straight', 'YAHTZEE', 'Chance', 'YAHTZEE BONUS ✓s', 'YAHTZEE BONUS scoring', 'TOTAL UPPER', 'TOTAL LOWER', 'GRAND TOTAL']; $out = ''; $score_val = []; $score_val[0] = ""; $score_val[1] = ""; for($i=1; $i <= 21; $i++){ $score_val[$i+1] = $_GET["score$i"]; } for($a=1; $a <= 2; $a++){ if($a == 2){ $out .= "
\n"; } $out .= "
\n"; for($i=1; $i <= 8+$a*2; $i++){ $out .= "
" . $round_val[($i-1)+($a-1)*10]; if($a == 1) $out .= "" . $score_val[$i] . ""; else $out .= "" . $score_val[$i+10] . ""; $out .= "
\n"; } $out .= '
'; } return $out; } function determine_reminder(){ $r = $_GET["round_num"]; $round_val = ['Aces', 'Twos', 'Threes', 'Fours', 'Fives', 'Sixes', '3 of a Kind', '4 of a Kind', 'Full House', 'Small Straight', 'Large Straight', 'YAHTZEE', 'Chance']; if($_GET["score15"]) array_push($round_val, 'YAHTZEE Bonus'); return strtoupper($round_val[$r]); } function check_end(){ $out = ''; if(!$_GET["score21"]){ $out .= "

You are rolling for: " . determine_reminder() . "

"; } return $out; } ?>