path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7269fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+[\<- 05/01](
+## Link the Node to the List
+- Assume we have already created a linked list and allocated memory for the new node
+- In order to insert a node, what do you need to know?
+- Different Situations:
+ - Insert in Middle
+ - know Predecessor
+ - know Successor
+ - Insert at End
+ - know Predecessor
+ - don't know Successor (NULL)
+ - Insert into Empty List
+ - don't know Predecessor (nothing before this)
+ - don't know Successor
+ - Insert at Beginning
+ - don't know Predecessor (nothing before this)
+ - know Successor
+- Be careful about **pointer manipulations**!
+## Insert in Middle
+- Now we have a list with several nodes, and we want to add a new node in the middle of the list
+- Manipulate two pointers:
+ - `pNew->next` & `pPre->next`
+ - **Order Matters!**: need to handle `pNew->next` first
+pNew->next = pPre->next;
+pPre->next = pNew;
+- Big-O Runtime: O(1)
+## Insert at End
+- Now we have a list with several nodes, and we want to add a new node at the end of the list
+- Manipulate two pointers:
+ - `pNew->next` & `pPre->next`
+pNew->next = NULL;
+pPre->new = pNew;
+## Insert at Beginning
+- Now we have a list with one/several node(s), and we want to add a new node at the beginning of the list
+- Manipulate two pointers:
+ - `pNew->next` & `pList->head`
+pNew->next = pList->head;
+pList->head = pNew;
+## Insert into Empty List
+- An empty list has the list structure only
+- Manipulate two pointers:
+ - `pNew->next` & `pList->head`
+pNew->next = NULL;
+pList->head = pNew;
+- Note that the code can in theory be written exactly the same as for the previous case (inserting at beginning)
+- Simultaneously, the first two cases can also be combined (inserting in the middle, inserting at the end)
+## Insert Items in Linked List
+void insert(struct list *plist, struct node *pPrev, struct node *pNew){
+ //pPrev = NULL if inserting as first node
+ if(pPrev == NULL){ //inserting in beginning
+ pNew->next = pList->head;
+ pList->head = pNew;
+ }
+ else{ //inserting in middle/end
+ pNew->next = pPrev->next;
+ pPrev->next = pNew;
+ }
+ pList->count++;
+- What is the big O? O(1) **Only when `pPrev` is given**
+- What is missing?
+ - Possible segmentation fault if `pNew` is NULL -> **missing assertions**
+void insert(struct list *plist, struct node *pPrev, struct node *pNew){
+ assert(plist != NULL && pNew != NULL);
+ //pPrev = NULL if inserting as first node
+ if(pPrev == NULL){ //inserting in beginning
+ pNew->next = plist->head;
+ plist->head = pNew;
+ }
+ else{ //inserting in middle/end
+ pNew->next = pPrev->next;
+ pPrev->next = pNew;
+ }
+ plist->count++;
+## A New Question
+- Can we do something even better?
+ - Yes!
+## Dummy Node
+- Let's introduce a dummy node at the start of the list. The dummy node (or **sentinet**) does not contain valid data nor count as a node in the list
+- We now have predecessors for all insertions!
+void insert(struct list *plist, struct node *pPrev, struct node *pNew){
+ assert(plist != NULL && pPrev != NULL && pNew != NULL);
+ pNew->next = pPrev->next;
+ pPrev->next = pNew;
+ pList->count++;
+- Inserting as the first node in the lsit means inserting **after** the dummy node. Also, the list is never truly empty
+- So two of our 4 cases don't exist any more
+- Results: Less special cases to handle and less core dumps!
+## A Linked List without NULL Pointer
+- The advantage of a dummy node is that the head pointer is never NULL
+- An advantage of a circular list is that no pointer in the nodes are ever NULL
+- Combining the two would give you a data structure with no NULL pointers
+- For example, what does an empty circular doubly-linked list with a dummy node look like?
+ - Count = 0
+ - There will be a dummy node with garbage data
+ - It will have two pointers (next and prev) that both point to itself
+# Deleting Items
+- How many cases for deletion?
+- 3 Cases for Deletion
+ 1. delete the **first node**
+ 2. delete the **last node**
+ 3. delete the node **after a given node**
+## Deleting the First Node
+- What changes?
+ - `pList->count`
+ - `head pList->head`
+ - node to delete is gone (memory needs to be freed)
+pDel = pList->head;
+pList->head = pDel->next;
+## Deleting the Last Node
+- What changes?
+ - `pList->count`
+ - previous node's next pointer
+ - node to delete is gone (memory needs to be freed)
+pDel = pPre->next;
+pPre->next = NULL;
+## Deleting a Node after a Given Node
+- What changes?
+ - `pList->count`
+ - node before node to delete's next pointer
+ - node to delete is gone (memory needs to be freed)
+pDel = pPre->next;
+pPre->next = pDel->next;
+void delete(struct node *pList, struct node *pPrev){
+ //pPrev == NULL if we want to delete the first node
+ assert(pList != NULL)
+ struct node *pDel;
+ if(pPrev == NULL){ //case 1
+ pDel = pList->head;
+ pList->head = pDel->next;
+ }
+ else{ //case 2 or 3
+ pDel = pPrev->next;
+ pPrev->next = pDel->next;
+ }
+ pList->count--;
+ free(pDel);
+- Recall how we combine case 1 & 2 for inserting items
+- We can do the same thing here!
+- Cases 2 & 3 look similar. They become identical if we replace the NULL in case 2 with `pDel->next`
+- We can improve things by including a dummy node (like when inserting)
+void delete(struct list *pList, struct node *pPrev){
+ assert(pList != NULL && pPrev != NULL);
+ pDel = pPrev->next;
+ pPrev->next = pDel->next;
+ pList->count--;
+ free(pDel);
+[05/06 ->](