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@@ -26,3 +26,127 @@ Sometimes, the proofs of multiple cases are essentially the same, so we will say
Proof: Let a,b∈ℝ. without loss of generality, assume `a>=b`. Then, LHS (left hand side) = `max(a,b)-min(a,b)` = `a-b`. Note `|x| = x` for `x>0` and `|x| = -x` if `x<=0`. RHS (right hand side) = `|b-a|` = `-(b-a)` = `a-b`. ∴ LHS = RHS as desired. ▣
- We don't need to consider the other case since it would have been identical
+- To prove `p<->q`, we must show
+ 1. `p->q`
+ 2. `q->p`
+- Ex. Let n∈ℤ. Prove `n` is odd iff `n^2` is odd.
+- (=>)(implication arrow) "If `n` is odd, then `n^2` is odd"
+ - We already proved this in [1.7](
+- (<=)(implication arrow; reverse direction) "If `n^2` is odd, then `n` is odd"
+ - **Direct Proof**:
+ - Ǝk∈ℤ s.t. `n^2 = 2k+1`
+ - `n = ±sqrt(2k+1)`
+ - not sure if `±sqrt(2k+1)` is an integer :(
+ - **Contraposition**: "If `n` is even, then `n^2` is even`
+ - Let `n` be even. Ǝk∈ℤ s.t. `n = 2k`.
+ - Then, `n^2 = (2k)^2 = 4k^2 = 2(2k^2)` which is even since `(2k)^2`∈ℤ
+ - ∴ `n` is odd iff `n^2` is odd. ▣
+- Definition: A **theorem** is a mathematical statement that can be shown/proven to be true
+- Definition: A **proposition** is a "less important" **theorem**
+- Definition: A **corollary** is a theorem that is a direct result of another theorem
+ - Ex. Let n∈ℤ. `n` is even iff `n^2` is even
+ - Proof Sketch: Both directions are contrapositives of the above example
+# 1.8 Proof Methods p2
+- Proposition: `[(p->q)^(q->r)] -> (p->r)` is a tautology.
+ - Transitive Law
+- Suppose we want to show `p1 <-> p2 <-> p3 <-> ... <-> pn` for `n >= 3`. When this is true we say:
+ - "the following are equivalent" (TFAE):
+ 1. `p1`
+ 2. `p2`
+ 3. `p3`
+ n. `pn`
+ - To prove this, it is sufficient to show: `p1 -> p2 -> p3 -> ... -> pn -> p1`
+- Ex. Let n∈ℤ. Prove TFAE:
+ 1. `5n+4` is even
+ 2. `n^2` is even
+ 3. `n-3` is odd.
+- Proof: (iii) -> (ii)
+ - Let n∈ℤ s.t. `n-3` is odd
+ - Then, Ǝk∈ℤ s.t. `n-3 = 2k+1`
+ - `n^2` = `(2k+4)^2` = `4k^2 + 16k + 16` = `2(2k^2 + 8k + 8)`
+ - It's **even** since `2k^2 + 8k + 8`∈ℤ
+- Proof: (ii) -> (i)
+ - Let n∈ℤ s.t. `n^2` is even
+ - We have previously proved that n is even iff n^2 is even. Ǝl∈ℤ s.t. `n = 2l`
+ - Then, `5n+4` = `5(2l)+4` = `10l+4`
+ - It's **even** since `5l+4`∈ℤ
+- Proof: (i) -> (iii)
+ - Direct Proof:
+ - `5n+4 = 2k`
+ - `n = (2k-4)/5`... too hard, lets use a different strategy
+ - Contrapositive: "If `n-3` is even, then `5n+4` is odd"
+ - Let n∈ℤ s.t. `n-3` is even
+ - Ǝk∈ℤ s.t. `n-3 = 2k`
+ - Then, `n = 2k+3`, so `5n+4` = `5(2k+3) + 4` = `10k+15+4` = `10k+19` = `10k + 18 + 1` = `2(5k+9) + 1`
+ - It's **odd** since `5k+9`∈ℤ
+∴ (i), (ii), and (iii) are equivalent. ▣
+Ex. Prove that for all nonnegative reals, `x` and `y`, `(x+y)/2 >= sqrt(xy)`
+- The left hand is the "Arithmetic Mean"
+- The right hand is called the "Geometric Mean
+- AM - GM Inequality for `n = 2`
+- Direct Proof is hard
+- We will use a new method called **Backwards Reasoning**
+### Backward Reasoning
+Show conclusion is **equivalent** to a true statement
+- Proof:
+ - `(x+y)/2 >= sqrt(xy)`
+ - <-> `((x+y)/2)^2 >= xy`
+ - <-> shows that going from the previous step to this step is reversible
+ - squaring both sides preserves the inequality
+ - <-> `(x^2 + 2xy + y^2)/4 >= xy`
+ - <-> `(x^2 + 2xy + y^2) >= 4xy`
+ - <-> `(x^2 - 2xy + y^2) >= 0`
+ - <-> `(x-y)^2 >= 0`
+ - `a^2 >= 0` is a tautology; it's called "Trivial Inequality"
+ - `≡T`
+ - Since `(x+y)/2 >= sqrt(xy)` is equivalent to a true statement, this inequality is also true
+- **Note**: For a proof using Backward Reasoning, ensure each step is reversible. Failure to do so could lead to Circular Reasoning
+Ex: Prove `sqrt(2)` is irrational.
+- Proof:
+ - Assume for the sake of contradiction that `sqrt(2)`∈ℚ
+ - Then, `sqrt(2)` = `a/b` for some a,b∈ℤ, `b!=0`
+ - Suppose `a/b` is written in "lowest terms"
+ - `(sqrt(2))^2 = (a/b)^2`
+ - -> `2 = (a^2)/(b^2)`
+ - -> `2b^2 = a^2`
+ - This means `a^2` is **even** since `b^2`∈ℤ
+ - Recall: "`a` is even iff `a^2` is even"
+ - This implies that `a` is even.
+ - Ǝk∈ℤ s.t. `a=2k`
+ - Substituting `a=2k` into `2b^2 = a^2`, we get `2b^2 = (2k)^2`
+ - -> `2b^2 = 4k^2`
+ - -> `b^2 = 2k^2`
+ - This means `b^2` is even since `k^2`∈ℤ
+ - This implies that `b` is even
+ - However, `a` and `b` being even **contradicts** the assumption that `a/b` is written in lowest terms
+ - As a result, `sqrt(2)` is irrational. ▣
+[2.1 ->](