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+[\<- 02/04](
+# Dynamic Arrays vs. Linked Lists vs. Double Linked Lists
+- Many classes can be implemented with either dynamic arrays or linked lists
+- **Which approach is better?**
+## Dynamic Array
+### Arrays are better at random access
+- The term **random access** refers to examining or changing an arbitrary element that is **specified by its position** in a list
+- For example:
+ - What is the 2nd item in the list?
+ - Change the item at position 16 to 4
+- These are **constant time operations** for an array (or dynamic array)
+- In a **linked list**, a search for an item must begin at the head and will take **O(N)** time
+### Resizing can be inefficient for a dynamic array
+- This is because:
+ - New memory must be allocated
+ - The items are then copied from the old memory to the new memory
+ - The old memory is deleted
+- When the eventual capacity is unknown and a program must continually adjust the capacity, a linked list has advantages
+## Linked Lists
+### Linked lists are better at insertions/deletions at a cursor
+- If class operations take place at a cursor, then a linked list is better than a dynamic array
+- Insertions and deletions at a cursor are generally **linear time (O(N)) for an array** (since items that are after the cursor must be shifted)
+- But these operations are **constant time operations (O(1))** for a linked list
+## Doubly Linked Lists
+### Doubly linked lists are better for a two-way cursor
+- Sometimes list operations require a cursor that can move forward and backward through a list
+ - A **two-way cursor**
+- **Double linked list** is like a simple linked list, except that **each node contains two pointers**: one pointing to the next node and one pointing to the previous node
+- A possible definition for a doubly linked list of items:
+class dnode{
+ public:
+ typedef ____ value_type;
+ ...
+ private:
+ value_type data_field;
+ dnode *link_fore;
+ dnode *link_back;
+- In C++, this is called the `std::list`
+- `link_back` fields points to the previous node
+- `link_fore` points to the next node in the list
+### A Class for a Node in a Doubly Linked List
+#ifndef SCU_COEN79_DNODE_H
+#define SCU_COEN79_DNODE_H
+#include <cstdlib> //provides size_t and NULL
+namespace scu_coen79_5{
+ class dnode{
+ public:
+ typedef double value_type;
+ dnode(const value_type& init_data = value_type(), dnode *init_fore = NULL, dnode *init_back = NULL){
+ data_field = init_data;
+ link_fore = init_fore;
+ link_back = init_back;
+ }
+ //Member functions to set the data and link fields:
+ void set_data(const value_type& new_data) {data_field = new_data;};
+ void set_fore(dnoe *new_fore) {link_fore = new_fore;};
+ void set_back(dnode *new_back) {link_back = new_back;};
+ //Const member function to retrieve the current data:
+ value_type data() const {return data_field;};
+ //Two slightly different member functions to retrieve each current link:
+ const dnode *fore() const {return link_fore;};
+ dnode *fore() {return link_fore;};
+ const dnode *back() const { return link_back;};
+ dnode *back() {return link_back;};
+ private:
+ value_type data_field;
+ dnode *link_fore;
+ dnode *link_back;
+ };
+## Guidelines for Choosing Between a Dynamic Array and a Linked List
+|Case |Data Structure |
+|Frequent random access operations |Use a dynamic array|
+|Operations occur at a cursor |Use a linked list |
+|Operations occur at a two-way cursor|Use a linked list |
+|Frequent resizing may be needed |Use a linked list |
+## Summary
+- A **linked list** consists of node
+ - Each **node** contain data and a pointer to the next node in the list
+- A linked list is accessed througha **head pointer** that points to the *head node*
+- A linked list may have a **tail pointer** that points to the last node
+- A **doubly linked list** has nodes with two pointers: one to the next node and one to the previous node
+ - Enables a cursor to move forward and backward
+- Containers can be implemented in many different ways, such as by using a dynamic array or using a linked list
+- Arrays are better at **random access**
+- Linked lists are better at **insertions/removals at a cursor**
+# Template Functions
+- Introduction of templates, which are C++ feature that easily permits the reuse of existing code for new purposes
+- Shows how to implement and use the simplest kinds of templates: **template functions**
+## Finding the Maximum of Two Numbers
+### Finding the Maximum of Two Integers
+- Here's a small function that you might write to find the maximum of two integers
+int maximum(int a, int b){
+ if(a > b) return a;
+ else return b;
+### Finding the Maximum of Two Doubles
+- Here's a small function that you might write to find the maximum of two double numbers
+int maximum(double a, double b){
+ if(a > b) return a;
+ else return b;
+### Finding the Maximum of Two Knafns
+- Here's a small function that you might write to find the maximum of two knafns
+int maximum(knafn a, knafn b){
+ if(a > b) return a;
+ else return b;
+### One Hundred Million Functions...
+- Suppose your program uses 100,000,000 different data types, and you need maximum function for each...
+### A Template Function for Maximum
+- This template function can be used with many data types
+template<typename Item>
+Item maximum(Item a, Item b){
+ if(a > b) return a;
+ else return b;
+- When you write a template function, you choose a data type for the function to depend upon...
+- A template prefix is also needed immediately before the function's implementation
+### Using a Template Function
+- Once a template function is defined, it may be used with any adequate data type in your program...
+cout << maximum(1, 2);
+cout << maxiumum(1.3, 0.9);
+## Multi Parameter Templates
+int array_max(int data[], size_t n){
+ size_t i;
+ int answer;
+ assert(n > 0);
+ answer = data[0];
+ for(i = 1; i < n; i++){
+ if(data[i] > answer) answer = data[i];
+ return answer;
+### Solution 1
+template <typename Item>
+Item array_max(Item data[], size_t n){
+ size_t i;
+ Item answer;
+ assert(n > 0);
+ answer = data[0];
+ for(i = 1; i < n; i++){
+ if(data[i] > answer) answer = data[i];
+ return answer;
+- What are the problems?
+ - `size_t` is not generic, so passing, for example, a `const size_t` will return an error
+### Examples
+const size_t SIZE = 5;
+double data[SIZE];
+cout << array_max(data, SIZE);
+cout << array_max(data, 5);
+template <typename Item>
+Item array_max(Item data[], size_t n);
+### Solution 2
+template <typename Item, typename Sizetype>
+Item array_max(Item data[], Sizetype n){
+ size_t i;
+ Item answer;
+ assert(n > 0);
+ answer = data[0];
+ for(i = 1; i < n; i++){
+ if(data[i] > answer) answer = data[i];
+ return answer;