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authorlshprung <>2021-01-14 09:59:50 -0800
committerlshprung <>2021-01-14 09:59:50 -0800
commiteb77f50479134c90523287851f516834479e6625 (patch)
parent1a62445e14debcbdc539bebe6ce46e5282c9cee0 (diff)
Post-class 01/14
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@@ -225,3 +225,5 @@ employeeNames DS2 = DS1;
//VALUE SEMANTICS for the XYZ class:
//Assignments and the copy constructor may be used with XYZ objects
+[01/14 ->](
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+### Header Files
+- What's the problem below?
+- What's the solution
+//file "a.h"
+class foo
+ ...
+//file "b.h"
+#include "a.h"
+//file "c.c"
+#include "a.h"
+#include "b.h"
+- Problem: `a.h` is included twice
+- Solutions
+ - One (kinda bad) solution is to not include `a.h` in `c.c`
+ - A better solution is to provide namespace
+### Namespace
+- Namespaces provide method for preventing name conflicts in large project
+- A namespace is a name that a programmer selects to identify a portion of the her work
+- A single namespace, such as `scu_coen79_2`, may have several different namespace groupings
+ - e.g. one for class definition, one for implementation
+namespace scu_coen79_2
+ //any item that belongs to the namespace is written here
+### Global Namespace & std
+- **The Global Namespace:**
+ - Any items that are not explicitly placed in a namespace become part of the global namespace
+ - These items can be used at any point without any need for a `using` statement or a scope resolution operator
+- **C++ Standard Library (std namespace)**
+ - All of the items in the C++ Standard Library are automatically part of the `std` namespace
+ - When using C++ header file names i.e. `<iostream>` or `<cstdlib>`
+ - The simplest way is to add `using namespace std;`
+### Using Namespaces
+- How to make the items that are defined in the namespace:
+ 1. Make all of the namespace available
+ - Syntax: `using namespace ns_name;`
+ - Example: `using namespace scu_coen79_2A;`
+ - Question: Why is this a bad idea to put a `using` statement in a header file?
+ 2. If we need to **use only a specific item from the namespace**
+ - Syntax: `using ns_name::name;`
+ - Example: `using scu_coen79_2A::throttle;`
+ 3. Use any item by **prefixing the item name with the namespace and "::"** at the point where the item is used
+ - Syntax: `ns_name::name`
+ - Example: `scu_coen79_2A::throttle apollo`
+# Classes and Parameters
+- Classes can be used as the type of a **function's parameter**, or as the type of the **return value** from a function
+- For example:
+ - You may pass a data structure to a function to apply some changes to the data structure
+ - The return value of a function may be a data structure
+## Programming Example: The Point Class
+![point class demo](01-14_1.png)
+- The `point` class: Is a data structure to store and manipulate the location of a single point on a plane
+- The point class has the member function listed here
+ - There is a constructor to initialize a point
+ - There is a member function to shift a point by given amounts along the x and y axes
+ - There is a member function to rotate a point by 90 degrees in a clockwise direction around the origin
+ - There are two constant member functions that allow us to retrieve the current x and y coordinates of a point
+- **Header file** of the Point class:
+namespace scu_coen79_2A{
+ class point{
+ public:
+ //with default arguments (discussed later)
+ point(double initial_x = 0.0, double initial_y = 0.0);
+ void shift(double x_amount, double y_amount);
+ void rotate90();
+ double get_x() const { return x; };
+ double get_y() const { return y; };
+ private:
+ double x; //x coordinate of this point
+ double y; //y coordinate of this point
+ };
+## Default Arguments
+- **Default Arguments** is a value that will be used for an argument when a programmer does not provide an actual argument
+- Example:
+ - `point(double initial_x = 0.0, double initial_y = 0.0);`
+ - Look at the header file of the point class
+ - `point a(-1, 0.8);`
+ - Uses the usual constructor with two arguments
+ - `point b(-1);`
+ - Uses -1 for the first argument and uses the default argument, `initial_y = 0.0`, for the second argument
+ - `point c;`
+ - Uses default arguments for both `initial_x = 0.0` and `initial_y = 0.0`
+- The default argument is specified only once (in the prototype) and not in the function's implementation
+- A function with several arguments does not need to specify default arguments for every argument
+- If only some of the arguments have defaults, `then those arguments must be right-most in the parameter list`
+- In a function call, arguments with default values **may be omitted from the right end** of the actual argument list
+- Example:
+int date_check(int year, int month=1, int date=1);
+date_check(2000, 7);
+date_check(2000, 7, 22);
+## The Point Class (Cont'd)
+- **Implementation file** of the Point class
+#include "point.hpp"
+namespace scu_coen79_2A{
+ point::point(double initial_x, double initial_y){
+ x = initial_x;
+ y = initial_y;
+ }
+ void point::shift(double x_amount, double y_amount){
+ x += x_amount;
+ y += y_amount;
+ }
+ void point::rotate90(){
+ double new_x;
+ double new_y;
+ //For a 90 degree clockwise rotation, the new x is the original y
+ new_x = y;
+ //and the new y is -1 times the original x
+ new_y = -x;
+ x = new_x;
+ y = new_y;
+ }
+## Parameters
+- Three different kinds of **parameters**:
+ - **Value Parameters**
+ - **Reference Parameters**
+ - **Const Reference Parameters**
+### Value Parameters
+- Example:
+ - The function's parameter (`p` in this case) is referred to as the **formal parameter** to distinguish it from the value that is passed in during the function call
+int rotations_needed(point p){
+ //Postcondition: The value returned is the number of 90-degree clockwise rotations needed to move p into the upper-right quadrant (where x>=0 and y>=0)
+ int answer;
+ answer = 0;
+ while((p.get_x() < 0) || (p.get_y() < 0)){
+ p.rotate90();
+ ++answer;
+ }
+ return answer;
+point sample(6, -4); //Constructor places the point at x=6, y=-4
+cout << "x coordinate is " << sample.get_x() << " y coordinate is " << sample.get_y() << endl;
+cout << "Rotations: " << rotations_needed(sample) << endl;
+//The passed value (sample in this case) is the argument (sometimes called the actual argument or the actual parameter)
+cout << "x coordinate is " << sample.get_x() << "y coordinate is " << sample.get_y() << endl;
+x coordinate is 6 y coordinate is -4
+Rotations: 3
+x coordinate is 6 y coordinate is -4
+- A **value parameter** is declared by writing the type name followed by the parameter name
+- With a value parameter, the **argument** provides the initial value for the **formal parameter**
+- The value parameter is implemented as a **local variable** of the function
+ - Therefore: Any changes made to the parameter in the body of the function **will leave the argument unaltered**
+### Reference Parameters
+- Example:
+void rotate_to_upper_right(point& p){
+ //Postcondition: The point p has been rotated in 90-degree increments until p has been moved into the upper right quadrant (where x>=0 and y>=0)
+ while((p.get_x() < 0) || (p.get_y() < 0)){
+ p.rotate90();
+ }
+point(6, -4); // Constructor places point at x = 6, y = -4
+cout << "x coordinate is " << sample.get_x() << " y coordinate is " << sample.get_y() << endl;
+cout << "x coordinate is " << sample.get_x() << "y coordinate is " << sample.get_y() << endl;
+x coordinate is 6 y coordinate is -4
+Rotations: 3
+x coordinate is 4 y coordinate is 6
+- A **reference parameter** is declared by writing the type name followed by the character `&` and the parameter name
+- With a reference parameter, any use of the parameter within the body of the functino will access the argument from the calling program
+- Changes made to the formal parameter in the body of the function **will alter the argument**
+### Pitfall
+- In order for a reference parameter to work correctly, **the data type of an argument must match exactly with the data type of the formal parameter**
+void make_int_2(int& 1){
+ //Postcondition: i has been set to 2
+ i = 2;
+double d;
+d = 0;
+cout << d;
+//Output: 0
+- No change in `d` because `d` is the wrong data type, a separate *integer* copy of d is created to use as the argument
+- If the argument's data type does not exactly match the data type of the formal parameter:
+ - The compiler will try to **convert** the argument to the correct type
+ - If the conversion is possible, then **the compiler treats the argument like a value parameter**, passing a **copy** of the argument to the function
+### Const Reference Parameters
+- When we don't want a programmer to worry about whether the function changes the actual argument
+- A solution that provides **the efficiency of a reference parameter** along with the **security of a value parameter**
+- Example:
+ - A function that computes the distance between two points
+ - The function has two point parameters, and **neither parameter is changed by the function**
+ - `double distance(const point& p1, const point& p2);`
+## When the Type of a Function's Return Valeu is a Class
+- The type of a function's return value may be a class
+point middle(const point& p1, const point& p2){
+ //Postcondition: The value returned is the point that is halfway between p1 and p2
+ double x_midpoint, y_midpoint;
+ //Compute the x and y midpoints
+ x_midpoint = (p1.get_x() + p2.get_x())/2;
+ y_midpoint = (p1.get_y() + p2.get_y())/2;
+ //Construct a new point and return it
+ point midpoint(x_midpoint, y_midpoint);
+ return midpoint;
+- C++ return statement uses a copy constructor to copy the function's return value to a temporary location before returning the value to the calling program
+# Operator Overloading
+- **Header file** of the Point class
+namespace scu_coen79_2A{
+ class point{
+ public:
+ //with default arguments (discussed later)
+ point(double initial_x = 0.0, double initial_y = 0.0);
+ void shift(double x_amount, double y_amount);
+ void rotate90();
+ double get_x() const { return x; };
+ double get_y() const { return y; };
+ private:
+ double x; //x coordinate of this point
+ double y; //y coordinate of this point
+ };
+- A **binary function** is a function with two arguments
+- When we develop a new data structure, we usually need to overload the binary operators
+- For example: For the point class, **we cannot use the regular == operator to decide if two points are equal**
+ - We need to **overload** the `==` operator to compare particular member variables of the two objects
+point p1, p2;
+if(p1 == p2) cout << "Those points are equal." << endl;
+- Defining a new meaning for an operator is called **overloading the operator**
+## Overloading Binary Comparison Operators
+- The name of the new function is `operator ==`
+bool operator ==(const point& p1, const point& p2){
+ //Postcondition: The value returned is true if p1 and p2 are identifcal; otherwise false is returned
+ return (p1.get_x() == p2.get_x()) && (p1.get_y() == p2.get_y());
+- Note:
+ - When overloading an operator, **the common usages of that operator are still available**
+ - For example, we can use `==` to test the equality of two integers or two doubles
+ - For each use of `==`, the compiler determines the data type of the objects being compared and uses the appropriate comparison function
+## Overloading Binary Arithmetic Operators
+- Example: If we could add two of our points, then we might write this program:
+point speed1(5, 7);
+point speed2(1, 2);
+point total;
+total = speed1 + speed2;
+cout << total.get_x() << endl;
+cout << total.get_y() << endl;
+point operator +(const point& p1, const point& p2){
+ //Postcondition: The sum of p1 and p2 is returned
+ double x_sum, y_sum;
+ //Compute the x and y of the sum
+ x_sum = (p1.get_x() + p2.get_x());
+ y_sum = (p1.get_y() + p2.get_y());
+ point sum(x_sum, y_sum);
+ return sum;
+## Overloading Output and Input Operators
+- The standard C++ data types can be written and read using the **output operator <<** and **the input operator <<**
+int i;
+cin >> i;
+cout << i;
+- We would like to support the following input and output operations for the point class
+point p;
+cin << p;
+cout << p;
+- Overloading the output operator for the `point` class
+ostream& operator <<(ostream& outs, const point& source);
+- The data type of `cout` is `ostream`, which means "output stream"
+- `ostream` class is part of the `iostream` library facility
+- The `outs` parameter is a reference parameter
+- The function can change the output stream (by writing to it), and the change will affect the actual argument (such as the standard output stream, `cout`)
+- Example:
+cout << p;
+- The first argument, `cout`, is an `ostream`
+- The second argument, `p`, is a `point`
+- Also note that:
+ - The return type of the function is `ostream&`
+ - This return type means that the functions return as `ostream`
+ - Called a **reference return type**
+ - C++ permits the "**chaining**" of output statements such as the following:
+ - `cout << "The points are " << p << " and " << q << endl;`
+ostream& operator <<(ostream& outs, const point& source){
+ //Postcondition: The x and y coordinates of source have been written to outs
+ //Postcondition: The return value is the ostream outs
+ //Library facilities used: iostream
+ outs << source.get_x() << " " << source.get_y();
+ return outs;
+istream& operator >>(istream& ins, point& target){
+ //Postcondition: The x and y coordinates of target have been read from ins
+ //Postcondition: The return value is the istream ins
+ //Library facilities used: iostream
+ //Friend of point class
+ ins >> target.x >> target.y;
+ return ins;
+- In the input function, the input is sent to the private member variables! However, only member functions can access private member variables
+- Two solutions:
+ - To write new member functions to set a point's coordinates and use these member functions within the input function's implementation
+ - You can grant special permission for the input functino to access the private members of the point class - Called a **Friend Function**
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